Thank you, Admins

Thanks Tuba and everyone else who helped get this place back on its feet! You guys are great.

I just wanted to add my thanks as well. In particular, I thought it was really great of you guys to take the extra effort to set up an interim board at bb.bbboy to help alleviate the withdrawal pains some of us were suffering during the absence of the board during the repairs.

I also wanted to say thank you to Anthracite and OpalCat for graciously handling all the extra traffic on their boards during the last month. Each of these boards has its own distinctive flavor, and one positive side effect of all of this was that it gave some of us a chance to try out a new flavor for a while instead of always ordering pistachio. (I was going to say vanilla there, but somehow vanilla just didn’t seem to work as a description of the SDMB.)

It’s nice to be back!