The 24 Season Finale (SPOILERS!)

She’s dead. Jack grabbed her and started to head out for help, but as the realization sank in that she was dead, he just crumbled to the floor with her and sat there. Definitely dead. If there was even a spark of a chance, he’d still be running.

Here’s a fun game: go back through the earlier episodes, and spot clues that Nina was bad. Apparently, there are some. The ‘24’ web site has a quiz on it, and one of the questions was, “In which episode did Jamie reveal that Nina was a mole?”

Another example - Nina engineered it so that she could leave the safe house as the hit team was coming in.

Another one - Nina was the one who decided to get the family out of the hospital and into the safe house - which she knew was going to be hit. Remember, as she was leaving the hospital some shadowy figure observed them doing that, with apparent approval.

Another one - wasn’t Nina pretty much the only one who could have stolen that key card way back when?

As for saving Jack’s family, she did that because she needed to stay undercover, because when they missed Palmer the first time, Plan ‘B’ was to use Jack as a trojan horse to get the explosive phone to Palmer.

My opinion of the writers went up another notch after thinking about this. It looks like they intentionally salted clues here and there so that when Nina was revealed we’d go, “Of course!” – but until they did reveal her, no one guessed it was her…

This show ruled. i can’t wait until next season. With President Palmer, he will have hundreds of enemies to choose from to be after him, including his wife and whoever Nina worked for. I’m glad I’m not in Jack’s shoes.

In fact there was an interview with the producers of the show in the Orange County Register where they defended the plotline that has Nina as the mole. The biggest hint was at the beginning when Walsh gave Jack the key card and said whomever’s name or something was on it was the mole. Well Nina’s name was on it, but she was able to convince Jack she was being set up.

I thought it was a great episode and I think the reason they didn’t shoot Teri in the head was simply because it might be a little too much for prime time television.

Wow! Everyone else has pretty much covered what I thought. Just want to say it was an awesome finale. They really pulled it together after that little slump around hours 14 to 16-ish. Great series overall, and I will definitely be watching next season.

So who thinks little Kimmy is going to become one bad-ass agent now, to get revenge for the bad guys killing her mother?

100% worth the “day” of watching TV!
I didn’t know anybody else (other than you guys) who watched the show…too bad. I can only hope that when the DVD comes out, a whole new wave of viewers will keep the show on the air for next season’s full 24 episode run.

It might be a good idea to email FOX and tell them you liked the show…

The one line, “You (still) don’t know who I work for…” leads me to think there might be another mole we already know. Someone in the Palmer group?

Still, it was a great ending. Finally, not one big happy family walking off into the sunset on their way to Disneyland.

One question: Does anyone really think Palmer could still get elected in the US after voters find out, in ONE DAY, that his son is involved in the murder/death of man who raped his daughter, his backers were behind it, there were TWO assasination attempts, he has dumped his wife, there might be a period of time he faked his own death and he fired his main speech writer for coming on to him! Geez…Monica Lewinski would be a public relations walk in the park compared to this.

I have an idea. Lets tell Jack his daughter is dead so he will go ape-shit and kill everyone. That’s brilliant! Nice plan jackass.

Here’s a link to the Orange County Register with some interesting comments from the producers on Nina and some clues throughout the series.

Another reason we know Nina was the mole:
When Kim was released from jail, she asked the Red-Haired Cop if he had talked to her mom, and he said, yes, and that she was waiting for her at CTU. The next scene was Nina and Teri in the conference room at CTU. Nina was telling Teri that they had found Kim, and Teri asked if she could talk to her, and Nina said, no, she was already on her way there.
Who did the cop talk to if he didn’t talk to Teri, hmmm?

Heh. Yeah, they obviously don’t get what bad mothas those Bauers are. His teenage daughter kicked their asses repeatedly, and they expected to get the better of big daddy?

But it was awesome to see Jack in full angel-of-death mode.

I wonder why Nina decided to shoot Teri through the chest instead of through the head. I would at least think that Nina would have wanted to make that part of the job fairly quick and also to make sure that she was dead.

Of course, since I don’t go around shooting people, I don’t know whether it’s messy to shoot someone at point blank range through the chest or through the head.

Here’s another article on the Nina plot twist. You may have to register to read it though.

BobT, well, the head is a smaller target.

Well, since Teri was tied up in a chair I think she could hit her head.

However, it’s not as good a visual to hold up a person whose head has been blown off.

Yeah, but not when your victim is tied up in a chair and you can put your gun an inch from her head…

Anyway, just nit-picking…I still think they’ll find some way to have Terri survive.

My understanding is that a chest hit to the center of mass will always kill the target. Head shots are less certain and probably more splattery.

I actually enjoyed this episode because it had an acutal conclusion. No loose ends, no waiting till next season. The X-Files pissed me off enough to make me stop watching sometime in 1999. (I’m doubly glad about this, as I heard the last episode had exactly zero answers.)

24 reminded me about that Johnny Depp vehicle where he was told to assassinate the governor of California by the people who kidnapped his daughter. It happened in a 2-hour span, and was showed in the same “real time” format.

There’s also the Bruce Campbell movie that’s not only shot in realtime, but in one continuous shot. (well they did cheat a little but it LOOKS like one shot)

I loved it! After the disappointments of AotC and the X-Files finale, this was like a drink of cold water on a hot day. I’m glad they had the guts to give us an unhappy ending and to surprise us (well, me) by killing Drazen and son in the middle of the show instead of the ending.

When it comes out on DVD, watch the show again. There are many clues…enough so that my roommate and I figured it out over a week before it was revealed. Of course, that’s just because this show has made us paranoid, but the clues really are there. Most of them have been mentioned here.

I’m actually somewhat disappointed that there’s going to be a second season, although I love the show. Or at least, I’d like the second season to be mostly unrelated: for example, I wanna see Tony Almeida as the main character, with Jack as a sorta “special guest” who gets consulted on a few things…

As twisted as it seems, I actually enjoyed seeing Drazen get blown away. However, for the tiniest sliver of a milli-second, I thought Jack might not shoot him. Even though he didn’t kill Kim, he DID kill that other guy’s daughter point blank AND then killed the guy, too. Leave it to Hopper to play such a lovely man. :smiley: