The exotic Feud [Closed]

  1. Indian
  2. Michelangelo’s David
  3. Losing My Religion, featuring mandolin
  4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  5. Kimono
  6. Elephant
  7. Peyote
  8. Whirling Dervish
  9. Egypt
  10. Conch
  1. Mexican
  2. The Thinker
  3. Norwegian Wood
  4. I got nothin’ here
  5. Kimono
  6. Ox
  7. Mushrooms
  8. Hula
  9. Finland
  10. Conch

Trust me - Mexican is about as exotic as cuisine gets around here

  1. Indian
  2. Venus di Milo
  3. Chariots of Fire
  4. The Red Balloon (?)
  5. kilt
  6. Camel
  7. peyote
  8. bangra
  9. Italy
  10. Conch
  1. Indian
  2. Venus de Milo
  3. Norwegian Wood
  4. Life is Beautiful
  5. Loincloth
  6. Camel
  7. Opium
  8. Kabuki
  9. Jamaica
  10. Conch
  1. Indian
  2. Michelangelo’s David
  3. Good vibrations (theremin)
  4. Pan’s Labyrinth
  5. Chador
  6. Camel
  7. Marijuana
  8. Capoeira
  9. Japan
  10. Scallop

2. The Thinker
3. “Don’t fear the Reaper” cowbell
4.Passion of Christ
5. Kilts
9.New Zealand
10. Conch

  1. Thai
  2. The Thinker
  3. Norwegian Wood
  4. Passion of the Christ
  5. Sari
  6. Camel
  7. Marijuana
  8. Flemenco
  9. Ireland
  10. Conch
  1. Morrocan
  2. “David” by Michaelangelo
  3. “Scotland the Brave”
  4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  5. Kilt
  6. Camel
  7. Caffeine
  8. Hora
  9. Israel
  10. Oyster
  1. Chinese
  2. The Thinker
  3. Locomotive Breath
  4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  5. Kimono
  6. Camel
  7. Psilocybin
  8. Polka
  9. China
  10. Conch

Whirling dervish! The Cha-Cha! Bhangra! Polka! Hora! Hula! Capoiera! Flamenco! Woo-hoo! Let’s dance!

Mambo! Foxtrot! Hornpipe! Highland Fling!
>shimmies away, singing “Everything Is Beautiful”<

  1. Thai
  2. Michaelangelo’s David
  3. Good Vibrations
  4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  5. Kimono
  6. Camel
  7. Marijuana
  8. Tango
  9. New Zealand
  10. Conch

3. Featuring a theremin

  1. Thai
  2. The Thinker
  3. Within You Without You
  4. Amelie
  5. lederhosen
  6. camel
  7. magic mushrooms
  8. samba
  9. Ukraine
  10. conch
  1. Sushi
  2. Michaelangelo’s David
  3. Losing My Religion
  4. Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon
  5. Kimono
  6. Camel
  7. Marijuana
  8. Paso Doble
  9. Italy
  10. Conch

Only 4 to go…

Think someone might say conch?

I’m glad I went with my second choice on that one–I almost put down cowrie.

You would have matched brujaja!

The downside of these threads is waiting for the last few entrants to trickle in. I’m all ready to post scores, but I said Friday at 5:00.

  1. curry
  2. Michaelangelo’s David
  3. Led Zeppelin zither song (when the levee breaks?)
  4. Crouching tiger hidden dragon
  5. kimono
  6. elephant
  7. cannabis
  8. belly dancing
  9. india
  10. conch
  1. Chinese
  2. Venus de Milo
  3. Norwegian Wood
  4. Passion of the Christ
  5. Fez
  6. Camel
  7. peyote
  8. Hula
  9. Australia
  10. Conch
  1. Thai.
  2. Rodin’s Kiss.
  3. Losing my religion.
  4. Pass.
  5. Kimono.
  6. Cow.
  7. Mushroom.
  8. Polka.
  9. Japan.
  10. Scallop.