The Near Future, according to Jack Chick

For me, it’s because I have heard of people losing custody of their children because they’re homosexual or Wiccan, but not because they’re Christian. I suspect in the countries in which Christians are being killed because they’re Christian, Christians are not in the majority like they are in this country. There’s also a completely different, refreshing mindset in this country which was founded by a bunch of cussed, independent-minded folks.


Very good.

Vanilla, are you seriously thinking this or is this just a whoosh?

Cause if it’s serious, well, I’ve occasionally thought the same thing about us atheists, the way certain Christians treat us.

I don’t think its just because christians are the minority there, its the leadership, which most definitely isn’t democratic or a republic.

Yes, I could see persecution happening in the End Times, which aren’t here now, though I doubt Jesuits or MotherGodesses have anything to do with it.

“Freedome will cure most things”-Summerhill

And why is he dressed as a Hitler Youth?

“Shut up, fool!”

That’s the best part.
I just wish Bobby had said, “I pity you!” next.

These insane criminals believe Jesus Christ invented the universe

Haw haw!
Everyone knows it was Darwin.

Yep, it sure is. He’s got another tract ( *The Great Escape * ) first published in the 1970’s which predicts Armegeddon just around the corner. I understand it’s been revised several times over the years to–ahem–“accomodate” current events.

Although I distinctly remember reading this tract or one very much like it back in the '70’s, the copyright says 1991. Does anybody else recall having seen this one prior to the early '90’s?

I found a couple of anti-Chick sites that say The Great Escape was originally published as Escape in 1971.

You just said the wrong thing, you old crud.

Looks like Jacky boy must have scored himself some primo shit. That’s the only way this thing makes sense.

Hey-Soylent Green is CHRISTIANS!


vanilla, for godsakes, yes, there are people being persecuted for being Christian in some third world countries. But it’s not the fucking JESUITS doing the persecution! (BTW, the real name for the Jesuits is Society of JESUS.)

You say this as if it were a bad thing.

Of course this will never happen in America. That’s pretty well impossible in a nation that is 80%+ Christian and will be largely majority Christian for the foreseeable future.

spectrum, I think you’re underestimating the combined Wonder Twin powers of the Jesuits and the Riddler. Add in Charlton Heston and his Soylent Green eating friends, and you have a recipe (ha!) for world domination.

well, that explains her shoes . .

I’m willing to bet that any persecution such as this is actually based on political coersion, ethnic squabbles, long-standing rivalaries or some other reason rather than purely on being “Christian”.

I’m going to be preemptively bring up the cases of Heather Mercer and Dana Curry. Their troubles with the Taliban were because they were trying to convert Muslims away from their faith. It matters not whether they were trying to convert them to Christianity or Taoism. Preaching any religion besides Islam would have caused the same woes. To demonstrate persecution against Christians, you’ll have to show that Christianity is the primary cause.

I just checked one of those sites again and it says the original copyright date for The Last Generation is 1972.

Thanks, this is much appreciated.


It says right there on the panel, “They’re in the clouds with Christ”. Jeez.
*Picture yourself in a cabin in the woods
With tangerine logs and marmalade roof
A trumpet calls you, you answer quite quick
A savior with stigmata and loincloth
A crown of thorns upon his brown hair
Floating over your head
Look for the Christ before the black copters arrive
And you’re gone

Jesus in the sky with fundies …

Okay, reading this tract has made me want to create a “famous new age healer” costume for next halloween(after I finish sacrificing all the neighborhood cats and dogs of course). The question is, I know that he is wearing a pistol on his right hip (my guess with all the nazi imagery in this tract, a luger would be best), what is the device on his left hip? Walkie talkie, tricorder, wand of fireballs? Do you think if I wrote Jack Chick and asked him nice, he would tell me?