The official SDMB Halloween costume thread!

That’s pretty impressive, bouv. I tried to make armor last year for a Fullmetal Alchemist costume, and ended up with nothing but a pile of silver pleather remnants and a buttload of frustration. I hope your costume works out.

This year I’m dressing as Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch. I already have the blonde wig from a Chicago costume I made several years ago, and I finished the dress last weekend. It’s the first time I’ve finished a costume so early!

Even more simple, go to a craft store and get the red glitter glue. They’ve got big jars of it, believe me (along with green for Christmas stuff); I just bought an assorted package of glitter glue because … “glitter glue: you never know when you might need some!” Seriously. :slight_smile:

Probably something affordable from Target or PartyCity, although my ideal costume this year, if I could pull it off, would be Dita Von Teese.

My girlfriend really wanted to be little red riding hood, so I’m going to be the big bad wolf dressed up like grandma. Pics closer to the date are a done deal, I really dig what I put together.

My friend and I went as Beavis and Butthead last year and I felt really old because hardly anyone knew who we were. People kept saying to me, “hey, I love Metallica!”

I like, I like. Thanks muchly. :slight_smile:

Here’s a pic of the ruby slippers in the Wizard of Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas, if you need some extra inspiration (sorry it’s a little out of focus). FTR, they’re done up with sequins, not glitter, if you’re going for serious accuracy, but I would think glitter would do perfectly fine if you’re not obsessed with making everything exactly right (I’m certainly way too lazy to get things perfect for a Halloween costume, but YMMV).

This year, assuming we actually have a party to attend (the jury’s still out on that), I’m fixin’ to go as Sonny Crockett from the original Miami Vice and featherlou is getting things together to go as a classic 80s girl, complete with mall bangs, acid-wash skirt, and leg warmers. :slight_smile:

Glitter glue rocks, but I’m not sure how I’d get out the bumps or lines that would inevitably result from squeezing it out of the tip onto the shoe. A popsicle stick to smooth it, maybe, but that sounds more labor intensive than spray and sprinkle. But it’s an option. And, as you say, one simply must have glitter glue on hand for unexpected events. :smiley:

Spray and sprinkle is the way to go, but do it like a shake and bake chicken. Fill a big zip-lock full of glitter, and spray the shoe; shake it up for a few minutes and brush off the excess.

If I ever get around to turning my thrift store finds into a bustled skirt, I’ll be going as a Steampunk Air Pirate. I don’t think too many people are going to understand my costume, but I’ll have fun.

Hehehe…I love it…ehehehe…cool.

The fiance is going as Big Boss (with eye patch and cigar) and I’m going as EVA from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Hehe I get to carry around a gun and go “pew pew!” and wear a jumpsuit open with a bikini top o_O

Picture of EVA.

Boy will be dressed like this.

I’m so excited to actually dress up as something for once - and now even something coupley! I’ve never been so excited for Halloween before!

Goon spotted!

Haven’t quite decided yet, myself…depends if I can talk the boy into being something other than ‘French’ this year.

Also- it must be able to survive the drinking.

My costume idea this year is “Zombie Ballerina”.

I scored this costume on ebay:

I still have the spiderweb tights I wore as a witch last year, so those will work for this costume as well, and I’ll pick up a pair of black ballet slippers and add some ribbons - I could spray a pair of my old pointe shoes black, but that may be a bit too uncomfortable, since this is for the office costume contest. Zombie makeup and a falling-down ballerina bun finishes the look. And just to complete the idea, I’ll go around the office muttering “tombe, pas de bourree, BRAINNNNNNSSSSSSS!”

Heh. Heh heh heh. Hehehe. Uhhh, thanks, or something. Heh heh hehehe.

:smiley: I may have to steal that idea next year.

I’m gonna be the Swedish Chef. Bork bork bork!

Any tips on how to do the hair? I don’t wanna be super annoyed at my costume the entire night I’m wearing it.

The fabric store sells fake fur - cut the appropriate shape(s) out and glue it to the *hat *instead of trying to keep it on your head. Smaller strips for eyebrows and a moustache can be glued right on your skin with spirit gum, available at those Halloween stores, or even Walgreens, this time of year. Don’t forget to buy spirit gum REMOVER, as well!

By all means do the big bushy eyebrows as well as the 'stache. Will you also have a chicken? And loose feathers (say, stuffed in your pockets) that you can surreptitiously toss in the air when chasing it (or at least waving your meat cleaver at it)?

We will, of course, require pics.

We will, of course, require pics.

We will, of course, require pics.

We will, of course, require pics.

For totally different reasons, of course.