The Party's Over in Sweden

You can’t paint on a reservoir tip.

You can’t paint on a reservoir tip? Oh gosh sure you can ! :smiley:

Hal Briston will just have to stop horsing around…

If some of the models in the SI swimsuit issue are really nude with their ‘suit’ painted on, I’m sure you can paint on a reservoir tip. :wink:

That’s what sheep said :smiley:

Oh, ewe!

Sounds like a teen age male urban legend to me. :slight_smile:

It’s NOTan urban legend; google “Sports Illustrated painted swimsuit”. Lots of results/images.

I guess we won’t be able to perform the SDMB initiation ceremony in Sweden anymore. :frowning:

The end of the Swedish nanny state.

Whether or not I am aroused by cows in lingerie makes no negligee-bull difference.

Will you stop that?!?!

Moses and Aaron on a stick!


Just be thankful we’re not discussing Australia, whose bestiality porn is renowned for its high-koala-titty production values.

Just why do you know this “information”? :dubious:

For G-d’s sake, don’t ask.

I’m a baa-d boy.

That would actually be legal.

But not Kosher.

Knew a guy once who was into bestiality, necrophilia and sadism.:dubious:

But eventually he …

realized he was just beating a dead horse. :smack: