The true face of Duhbyas daughter.

Yeah, we’re generally pretty okay with immature behavior. This thread is Exhibit A.

Or maybe she was just trying to be funny.

. . . Just as this thread says a lot about how your parents raised you. :rolleyes:

Reeder, why should we be concerned? She’s not running the country. She’s not debasing our children. She’s not personally offending me. She’s not unfairly targeting any particular group of people. She’s not putting my life in danger. I have no idea why Yahoo thought this mattered, either.

Go meditate for a bit. Does this matter one iota in the grand scheme of things? No, of course it doesn’t. Quit looking for ways to be offended. I’m sure there are many more things in this world that are more worth your ire.

Leave the stupid girl and her stupid tongue alone.

Sweet Zombie Jesus, call the police because you are killing me!


Oh yeah? Well, I saw Kerry’s daughter brush her hand through her hair. That’s right, Massachussets Senator John Kerry’s daughter actually brushed her hand… THROUGH HER HAIR.

Hitler brushed his hand through HIS hair, too.

Clearly, Kerry is in league with Satan.

Someone should e-mail Reader to let him know that a total loon has hijacked his ID here to make him look stupid!

Anyway, I actually thought the pic was cute (hey, Jenna’s tongue- nothing wrong with that whatsoever!) And if Reeder wants to talk about the public appearance of Candidate Daughters- a Miss A. Kerry was wearing a quite sheer black dress at Cannes. (Of course, if the Bush Daughters want to take that challenge, I’d have no objection.)

Alexandra Kerry flashed the entire Cannes Film Festival, at least the part that saw a pic of her in a sheer black gown that turned transparent under flashbulb light.

Same thing happened to me at a party, with a red dress and a beige bra, and you can see my bra in all the shots. She wasn’t wearing one, however, but I don’t think it says much about her dad, just that brassiere science has not solved the problems of support with a one-shouldered dress.

Link–not too bad but NOT work-friendly.

BTW, your link didn’t work for me. Karl Rove musta done it.

Someone should e-mail Reader to let him know that a total loon has hijacked his ID here to make him look stupid!

Someone should mail Reeder too!

:smack: Do’h!


Mighty swift coding ya got there!



And what this thread, and your ridiculous defense of it, says about you, me bucko, is that you are completely bugfuck insane.

Look, you repetitive fucknozzle, I will do the samba in the street if this corrupt administration is shown the proverbial door in November, but for the last fucking time, WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY!

Does anyone know if she knows how to use it? Enquiring minds want to know.


You can see TWO nipples in Mehitabel’s there link! Liberals are decrying Jenna acting like a child while they give a pass to Kerry’s daughter who is CORRUPTING children. Can’t Baby Powell do anything about this degenerate filth?

It appears the Bush daughters don’t have a public image consultant choosing their wardrobes for them. Hooray for them.

And Miss Kerry’s wordrobe consultant is brushing up her resume about now! :eek:

I hate Dubya with the passion of a thousand white hot suns, and yet I can’t work up a quark’s worth of outrage over this. Seriously, she should act with decorum, but a little playfulness isn’t going to hurt anyone or damage the credibility of the Chimp any further. It’s not like she was letting a guy snort coke off her breasts or anything.

Mehitabel, thanks for providing something worth looking at in this thread.

How fucking DARE you support Jenna! She wasn’t just sticking her tongue out at the camera, she was sticking her tongue out on all the fucking people pappa Bushista has repressed. That tongue was sticking right out at all the blacks that the Bushites aren’t allowing to vote, all the dead Iraqi babies the Bushorama have killed, all people the Bushistas have tortured in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib. What that “cute” tongue sticking out represents is as ugly as a prolapsed stoma–she’s practically SPITTING great big gobs of MUCUOUS over all the gays Bushito family isn’t allowing to marry. This just goes to show how EVIL the Bushies are! I spent the last hour huffing TOLUENE in my garage! By supporting Jenna, you show how much you HATE gays, blacks, and baby seals! Yeah, Jenna is sticking her tongue out–cuz she’s HAPPY that she knows daddy Bushorama has rigged the 2004 election to win, not that he needs to 'cuz he’s engineered a terrorist attack so he can postpone the election and declare himself EMPORER of the WORLD. And YOU support him!

This has been an extremely hyperbolic pre-emptive parody of the tinfoil hat left. No one on this board, living or dead, has views this extreme and no specific person–except Reeder–is meant to be implicitly condemned has batshit crazy by this parody. Thank you, and have a nice day.

Does Gene Simmons Know about this copyright violation!!!