This totally & completely has me freaked out!

based on the little I know of HP (movies only) this would seem normal, no? :wink:

pkbites - I also say dopplerganger/poltergeist/friendly spirit. A friend called me one Sunday afternoon to tell me what she’d just experienced - she and her aunt were at her grandmother’s house (who’d recently passed away - they were cleaning up getting the house ready for sale) and stayed over since it was a lengthy task. They woke up that Sunday to the smell of pancakes and bacon. They were the only two in the house and the house had been locked up tight the night before. They came down to the kitchen and saw no pancakes, bacon, or dirty pans - but the fridge was open, and the box of pancake mix was out of the cupboard . . . :eek:

These things are rare, but they do happen.

Well, that rules out the possibility that your dog or cats rubbed on some cucumber and melon lotion, climbed into bed and spooned up to you, wrapping their paws around you while affectionately squeezing your stomach.

But how can you be sure that they weren’t vacuuming? That might solve part of the mystery at least.

No, no, and no. No new medications, I was not sleep walking, and my wife would not use that glass nor go through the trouble of having to climb up a stool to get it for someone else to use. Nor would she use any glass and put it on my night stand. And I would notice a glass there and I would especially notice that particular glass.

I wasn’t sleep walking. If there were any evidence of it I’d say. It’s nothing I’d be ashamed of for Khrists sake. There is zero indication that ANYONE used that stool to go up in that cupboard and there isn’t anything else that would work to reach up there.

Nope. They wouldn’t have gone through the trouble to get that particular glass way in the back, they wouldn’t have gone in that upper cupboard for anything. They’re relatives and know this house quite well. They wouldn’t have gotten that glass, and they wouldn’t have put it in our bedroom and I surely would have noticed it had they done so (which they most certainly didn’t). And they left on Friday morning. Not only would I have quickly saw that glass there, my wife would have too. It’s not a regular water glass. It would have stood out like crazy (which it did to me when I awoke).

Everything else could be a vivid dream, though I never have dreams that seem that real and like I’m awake.

But none of these explinations could have happened regarding the glass. Which is why I’m so freaked out!!!

I’m jealous. Seriously. Although I’m sorry you’re unnerved (okay, freaked out) by the incident, and I am sure I would be as well, nothing like this has ever happened to me. And I love reading about spooky stuff. It just never happens to me.

You must follow up if the mystery is ever solved. This one’s bookmarked, baby.

The answer is simple. You’re still dreaming.

This is a sign. You need to drink more water.

It’s a long shot, but just for funsies:

You’re asleep and your most recent memories are you wife and the clock. Being so tired this seeps into your dreams.

Let’s pretend for a second that in your deep dream state that you somehow did manage to sleepwalk. You don’t sleepwalk so in you mind it’s your wife you’re hearing as that’s the last thing you heard, followed by an adjusted image of the last thing you saw; the clock.
Perhaps the vacuum, since there’s no sign of any actual work, was an outside noise your mind interprets as a vacuum; say maybe a leaf blower or similar.
At some point you took the glass from the cabinet. This is a reach, but if you’ve ever stocked books or groceries before, maybe you moved them forward to even out the front.

As you return to bed you’re dreaming you are still in bed and it’s your wife getting in, thus you feel the bed move. The smell and snuggling could perhaps be just more vivid dream or perhaps you wrapped up tight in the sheets so it felt like a hug.

You had drank some of the water at this point and it could’ve been your bladder reacting to the pressure?

Denouement. You had already drank the water, the glass was already on the nightstand, your body accomplished its task without disturbing your sleep and neatly wrapped it up with the same way it started; you wife leaving.

'Course, I still fully believe that my maternal grandparent’s house is haunted but if we want to be all logical and crap… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hypnogognic hallucination/ sleep paralysis. Happens to me only napping in the morning after failing to get out of bed, and always involves specific aural hallucinations and frequently “someone/something else on the bed”. And the glass is explained by something else.

Or you have a poltergeist. One’s more likely than the other.

Not entirely true. I read things in dreams on a semi-regular basis. Oh, they might not say the same thing the next time you read the same item, but I do read in dreams.

You climbed on a dining room or kitchen chair to get the glass.

The chairs are in the dinning room, not the kitchen. Theres no way I’d have carried a big heavy chair 2 rooms over and climbed up to get that glass in my sleep, and theres no way I’d have been able to get that glass out of there in my sleep without knocking other glasses over. It just didn’t happen.

Possibility… the strange glass was used by one of your recent house guests and put in amongst your “regular” drinking glasses and not back where it is usually kept.

Everything else is completely explainable by hypnopompic hallucinations and/or sleepwalking. Even if you’ve never experienced things like that before, the fact that your sleep was so disturbed (by staying up the entire night) makes it distinctly possible. It’s even well within the realm of possibility that you could have climbed up the counter to get the glass in the back of the cabinet.

No need to look for freaky ghosty explanations when our own brain is so capable of freaking us out.

You keep saying “no way”. I do no’ think it meens what you think it meens.

Sleepwalking is like that. You may have never done it before, but every single sleepwalker out there once had a first time. The only thing that keeps your from moving around and acting out your dreams every night is a paralyzing chemical secreted by your body that stops your muscles from moving (mostly - obviously it comes and goes through the night, or you wouldn’t move in your sleep). If that’s not present, or not in a high enough dose, you will move. You will have your full regular waking strength and coordination. You will do daily tasks, walk downstairs, move furniture and get a glass off the shelf. Some people even walk outside the house and even drive the car without killing themselves or anyone else.

And we all know that some of our senses are still active while we sleep - that’s why the car alarm outside gets added into our dream as the scream of a pterodactyl, or the cat jumping on the edge of the bed makes us dream of falling. You’re just finding out that more of your senses than you thought - balance, sight, smell and touch - are active while you sleep. Sometimes.

Seriously, do mention this to your doctor at your next appointment. It may never happen again, but then again it might. It might also, rarely, be an indication of a serious health problem - probably not, but only your doctor knows the rest of your history to know if this is significant.

You are still dreaming.
Wake up, and see that that glass is not there.
But strangely, this thread is…

You were sleep-posting

No, that glass was not used by my guests. The glasses/dishes in that upper area aren’t for regular use and they wouldn’t crawl up there to use them. These people are elderly and would have a difficult time doing so even if they wanted to (which they wouldn’t). And my wife wouldn’t use that glass either.

I didn’t say I stayed up the entire night. Where did I say that? I said I stayed up wayyy too late, not all night. I went to bed about 3am, which was wayyy too late seeing I had been up since 6am. I tend to stay up late when I don’t have to get up for work the next day.

I said I was freaked out not that I thought a ghost did it.

Other than that and sleepwalking/hallucinations, what other explanation is there?

The wife stuff is definitely hypnogogic hallucinations/sleep paralysis - it happens to me from time to time and you could have just perfectly described one of my experiences (minus the whole glass thing, of course). I’m much, much more likely to have a hypnogogic episode when my sleeping schedule is abnormal, even for just one day, and especially when I’m sleeping when it’s light out.

Your wife is lying to you. She’s a member of a tenebrous secret cabal and this is only the first in a series of PSYOPs designed to make you question your sanity.

The woman you knew as your “wife” never existed— you were set up from day one. Kill her, and do it quickly. It’s your only chance to save yourself.

My first thought wasn’t “poltergeist”, it was “crazy intruder”… :eek:

Do you only have cameras on the outside of the house, or on the inside as well? If you have them indoors, you could check the tapes during the times you were asleep.

Maybe I lack the curiosity of the others…but what kind of glass is that sacred and distinct?

The most disturbing part of this to me is that there is a cabinet of glasses that someone can’t get into. I routinely climb up on the counters to get stuff out of the high cabinets and even in our homes with 12 ft ceilings, we didn’t need ladders.

But really…the glass? Pics?