U.S. imposes new sanctions on Iran, designates Quds Force "terrorist" org

Didn’t Hillary vote for this? And doesn’t Democratic Darling General Wesley Clark agree that the Quds are terrorists? (Or so he said last night.)

The Mujahidin-e-Khalq (MEK) is a designated terrorist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the Iranian government. The US government is so enamored of this terrorist group, which has killed lots of people using terror tactics, that it has our soldiers drive them around in jeeps in Iraq so that they aren’t late to their terrorist appointments, to which they take their weapons, which we’ve allowed them to hang on to.

So, designating the Quds force a terrorist organization…maybe it’s just a way of evening up the playing field? “Sure, we have pet terrorists, but your government’s legitimate military is terrorist, too.”

That works, right?


Here’s the cite.


I mean the part about driving them to “terrorist appointments” with their weapons. My understanding is that the MEK handed over their weapons and are being treated under Geneva Convention protections under the supervision if the Red Cross.

As shown in this part of your first cite: “After Hussein was toppled, the MEK agreed to turn over its weapons to U.S. military officials. In 2004, the U.S. military granted its members the status of “protected persons” under the Geneva Conventions and has since provided security for the camp.”

Ravenman, I assumed that the part you quoted was the part you were questioning.

It looks like you were right, and the MEK was disarmed when they surrendered to US forces in Iraq. Apparently 6,000 of them surrendered in Iraq, and 3,500 of them are still at Camp Ashraf. No word on where the other 2,500 went.

And they have the support of Sam Brownback and Tom Tancredo, among others.

Yeah, missed the edit window. The MEK are real; bad guys, I agree. Their political front holds demonstrations in DC every now and then, and it really makes me wonder…

Meanwhile, Mohammed El-Baradei says the UN has no evidence the Iranians are trying to make nuclear weapons.