useless fact-athon!!

What about monkies and other primates? I’m could of sworn those little buggers just love sex as much as we do (Hell, maybe even more.)

Let’s start with my equine-related factoids:

Horses cannot vomit.

True albinism does not exist in horses.

Contrary to urban legend, horses will not run to a burning barn. That myth is based on the fact that often-enough-times in a barn fire, horses can be difficult to remove because they’re panicked, and fear leaving the safety of “home.”

Arabian horses (like my mare) have one fewer vertebrae than other breeds.

Horses cannot breathe through their mouths.

Other miscellaneous trivia:

While taking the considerable amount of time required for swallowing their prey, snakes breathe through a sort of anatomical snorkel called a Jacob’s Organ.

IIRC, elephants have the longest gestation period at 20 months.

Hmm…maybe I should stop here. For now. :wink:

Bonobos are considered to have sex solely for pleasure as well. I think other apes are lucky enough to escape the distinction, although there are relevant records of female chimps breaking new grounds in creative tool use.

There are 2,500,000 rivets in the Eiffel Tower

Joe Walsh appears in the original “Blues Brothers” movie.

If all the mined (jewelry, bars,coins,etc) gold in the world was purified and melted into one single block, the block would measure only 60’x60’x60’ (cube)

No cite.

It takes 43 days to build a Boeing 747.

If Elizabeth II is still queen in just twelve years, she will be the longest reigning British monarch, beating out her great-great grandmother Queen Victoria.

Given that her mother lived to be a hundred, and Liz is only 76, I would say she has a shot at the title.

There are no muscles in your hand.

Not true.

By the time you’re 60, you’ll have spent 5 years waiting in lines.

The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing. :wink:

My hands don’t look like that! I got skin.

[movie line]

By the time the average American male is 40, he has 5 pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels.

[/movie line]

A kitten’s head will fit into my mouth.
Soylent Green is… ah, never mind.

Dogs can’t whistle.

If a human beings eyes were the same size as a cat’s eyes in proportion to their faces, our eyes would be the size of baseballs. Cool.

Mills Darden of North Carolina is the only man in history who is both among the 10 tallest men ever and the 10 heaviest men ever, arguably the biggest human being who ever lived. 1020 lbs / 7,5+ feet

A duck’s quack doesn’t echo.

Ow! Stop hitting me!

Just trying to get it out of the way before someone who actually thinks this is true posts it

Or a gecko. (Some, not all, species.)

Sorry. I’m impressed you know about the Jacobsen’s Organs, but that’s incorrect. It’s the glottis (trachea) that they can protrude, and breathe through, while swallowing. The Jacobsen’s Organ is an organ of scent, but unrelated to breathing.

What about the fact that they’ll die one day? Or that they breath oxygen? Or a million other biological facts?


Well I’m a big dork. Okay, maybe just a little dork. This is what happens when all the snake books are packed away (moving them into a new classroom) and I don’t think about internet searching. Damned hazy memory. Thanks for the clarification, Davebear. :slight_smile: Soooooo…let’s go with this (and I have my corn snake manual right in front of me, so I’m not going by a hazy memory again):

Corn snakes have 3 different skin pigments (red, yellow, black), whereas we humans have only one (black/melanin).

Amelanistic/albino produces white mammals because it is an absence of the black pigment, melanin. But in corn snakes, “taking away black leaves plenty of dazzling color.” It is because of this wider variety of skin pigments that corn snakes can come in the reptilian rainbow that they do, thanks to selective, domestic breeding.

The most common day to be born is October 5th.
The least common is May 22nd.