VCO3's rape question

Naive to ask whether a rape has ever occurred? Bullshit? Trolling, plain and simple.

Autolycus, my post is my cite! Ha ha. I will provide some when I am not at work – no way am I researching that here. But here’s a little TMI for you as anecdotal evidence. (Seriously, TMI) Every time I am an an extreme height – the top of the Space Needle, the top of the St. Louis Arch, the top of a fire tower, etc., I wish I’d worn a panty liner. Every time. Similar results in a near car crash, and another time when I spun out on ice.

How old is he that he doesn’t understand that lubrication isn’t necessarily related to how aroused someone is?

As others have already explained, women can get wet even when they are not actually aroused.

A woman who is aroused & WANTS to have sex can be totally dry. Why do you think they need to sell artificial lube?

My ex-wife used to say, “If I put a finger in your mouth, you’ll salivate even if it tastes like shit.”

Maybe him and diggleblop could get together and get an education.

I’m sure if VCO3 ever winds up in Federal Pound-Me-In-the-Ass Prison, he’ll have nothing to worry about. No lube, no sex, right?

Another poster actually PM’ed me with a great response that answered the question perfectly:

That’s exactly the sort of answer that I was soliciting, and I’m perfectly satisfied and feel more educated on the subject.

That’s great. As for others who have asked what’s wrong with wondering…well, nothing. I started this thread not because the “how is this technically possible” is a bad question, but because it wasn’t phrased that way. It was “can there even be such a thing”?

But that poster did answer the actual question.

I would like to add to that very informative PM (bless 'em, whoever they are) that as a menopausal female, I find intercourse to be painful lately, so we use KY jelly every time. But my husband, if he wanted to, could quite easily force Tab A into Slot B without any lubrication at all–it would just hurt like hell.

A vagina doesn’t have to be wet to have something forced into it. It’s just a membraneous tube; you can shove anything you want in there through brute force, with no lubrication–a penis, a dildo, a broom handle. Same as with anal rape: Ned Beatty in Deliverance didn’t have to get “wet” before the hillbilly could penetrate him.

Bullshit. Your question, leaving aside the ignorant spew which preceded it, and in keeping with your thread title, for shit’s sake, was

Not “how does rape work?” or “how is vaginal lubrication stimulated?”

For what it’s worth, I didn’t see the thread until now, but I would have answered it seriously as well.

It’s probably also worth edumacatin’ some folks that there are two types of vaginal “wetness” (not counting menstrual fluid and blood). There is lubricating fluid, which most of us are familiar with, and there is cervical fluid, which has nothing at all to do with arousal. Cervical fluid is produced for a few days a month when a woman is fertile. It’s pretty much the same thing as seminal fluid, minus the sperm and prostate juices. It serves as a slick medium for the sperm to swim through, it adjusts the pH of the vagina and uterus to be friendly to sperm and it may provide some nutrients for the sperm (the last one is still theoretical, I believe). It’s also slick as…well…snot. It’s mucus, from the cervix. We call it “fluid” because “fluid” doesn’t squick people out like “mucus” does.

Anyhow, the way you can tell the difference is that lubricating fluid will evaporate pretty quickly if you put some on your finger and blow on it. Cervical fluid (mucus) won’t evaporate quickly. But either one works to lube things up during sex, and neither one requires consent or desire for the body to produce it.

Also, your garden variety rapist will happily use the woman’s own blood (not menstrual fluid, but flood from tears in the vagina) to make his willy slick.

Damn. An overseas flight must be torture for you. Or maybe fantastic.
ETA: Off topic, but why the hell would anyone put tab A into slot B? Tab A goes into slot A. Tab B goes into slot B.

You, sir, must be extraordinarily flexible.

No need to be a bitch. I didn’t know, it got answered. That there are men (and women) that don’t know this shouldn’t surprise you. Everybody can’t know everything, and I’m sorry I don’t read books on rape and female human physiology. I’m sure there are many things I know that you don’t, but I on the other hand wouldn’t be a total dickhead about answering it, like you.

I’m probably going to earn my own Pit thread with this, or at least make myself a leper at any future Dopefests, butI think that’s pretty hot. :o :frowning:

I didn’t know, so I asked. I’m sorry, but I don’t regularly imagine rape scenarios or the physiology of them. This pit thread just made me wonder so I posted a question. There is no reason to assume I am stupid just because I don’t know something.

The thing is, that wasn’t his question. His question was “is rape real?” Highly offensive. And unless he is almost too stupid for words, deliberately so, his disclaimer notwithstanding.

He waited for an Ask The Rapist thread, but it was not forthcoming.

I didn’t call you stupid, I implied through two questions that you are ignorant in a couple of areas. Although, upon reconsideration of this lovely revelation:

I’ll willing to stipulate that you were stupid at those times. You made your unit bleed while attempting to create pleasure? Twice? Damn!

But thats not what I asked. He didn’t post he question here, I did.