Very vaguely creepy.

My favorite- my ex BF once climbed into my apt (over the fire escape into my window,there was a 2 ft gap)while I was sleeping to make sure I wasn’t with someone else. Notice he is my EX bf.

The old guy who stood and watched me change the female mannequin.

When you don’t feel like anwsering the door and you hear the person rattling the doorknob. I always wonder if they would just let themselves in.

On my desk at work I have a little plastic thingy
with three tiny drawers in it. I use it to hold
paper clips, staples, etc. A woman who works in
my office takes the drawers out and leaves
them on my desk whenever she walks by. This has
been for two years. I ask her not to do it, or
tell me why she does it, but she doesn’t answer
me and continues to do it.


My friend and I were helping another guy move a load of ceramic molds from one building to another. After we finished, he drove us back to my friends house. On the way, I looked down at the floor behind the driver’s seat and saw a box that had once contained an “Inflatable Bonking Sheep”. I questioned him about it later, and he claimed that some old guy had given him just the box as a joke.

Miss Gretchen wrote:

> a. One entire wall of his room was covered in bookshelves
> loaded down with video tapes of porn. Not the “usual”
> kind, either. It was a meticulously alphabetized and
> sorted by category collection “imported for those with
> uncoventional tastes.” Uh huh. There were easily 2500 or
> so tapes.

Not unless he had the videos at least two rows deep on those shelves could there have been as many as 2500 of them. I just measured and ten videos take up 11 inches of shelf space. So if there were 125 videos to a shelf that would make the shelf 137.5 inches (= 11 foot 5.5 inches) long. You can just barely, if you build the shelves special-purpose, fit videos in shelves that are 8.5 inches tall. So if there are 10 levels of shelves, that would be 85 inches (= 8 foot 1 inch) tall. 125 videos per shelf times 10 shelves equals 1250 videos. He would have had to keep the videos two deep on the shelves to have 2500 of them, which would mean the shelves are at least 8 inches deep.

You know what I find creepy? That I can’t read a post like this without doing arithmetic on it.

Those ‘Golden Dollar’ ads on TV. The man with the head of George Washington (or is it Barbara Bush?) going around town spending the coins. That creeps me out every time.

They’re wiping off that little patina of sweat. It’s a courtesy.

Yes indeed. Also the Quizno’s sandwich shop one where the guy puts the sub sandwich down to pour his drink, and his dog (big, slobbery Great Dane) takes it–and then the guy takes (most of) the sandwich away from the dog, piles it back together on the floor, picks it up, AND TAKES A BIG BITE OUT OF IT!! WTF?!

Hearing something hitting the walls at 1 AM and not realizing it’s just one mother of a fly.

Waking up exactly 2 minutes before the alarm goes off.

The William Shatner Priceline commercials shudder…why, Mr. Shatner, why?

People who can just sit there and watch mosquitoes sip their blood.

The ICQ “invisible mode” icon.

The guy who sat down across from me on the Paris Métro and began to draw me.

Martha Stewart.

About nine years ago, I was screwed for a place to live so I ended up moving into a fleabag hotel in downtown San Diego. I smoked a lot of pot in those days, so a few days after getting settled in I was hitting the old water-pipe and started watching the 11 o’clock news. A few minutes into the broadcast, they finished up a story, the graphic disappeared from the corner of the screen, and the camera moved slightly to center on the anchorwoman. She then looks directly into the camera and says urgently, “Sam (my name), if you’re watching, please call home!” HUH? I’ve only been in this place a few days, am I going insane already? Turned out to be some retarded kid who wandered away from his home, but for a second I really thought the TV was talking to me.

I spent Friday night at my brother’s apartment, and the whole time I could hear train cars being loaded, in the distance.
THAT was creepy.

I just read Sanibel’s post, and felt a need to chime in about my ability to attract weird people.

Now, this has gone on since Highschool, so a lot of the weird tendencies these people have, don’t bother me anymore… but about a month ago I had a guy stare at me like Sanibel mentioned, and I thought I was gonna have to change my pants.

I was watching a documentary on cattle mutilations in the mid west an hour before picking up my fiance at midnight. It was about all the aliens picking cows up into the sky, cutting certain parts off then dropping them back to earth.

I THEN had to leave my apartment in pitch dark to pick up my fiance. I brought the dog along. halfway to the car I got this creepy feeling, so I picked up my dog and carried her because I was afraid the aliens would lift her up and mutilate her…

I was scared ans creeped out of my skull. I know I’m crazy…

There’s this guy at school that creeps me out. I think it’s because the bridge of his nose is non-existant. Plus he wears all black and he’s huge. Sometimes I’d be walking in the hallway with my friends and he’d be walking in the opposite direction and upon seeing me he would turn around and follow right behind me.

One day I jokingly told my friend Roy to bring me ice cream to my house after work, knowing that no one in their right mind would come to my house to do that. But, around 12:30-1am that night, I walked into the kitchen to get a drink in my pajamas and noticed my dog Max was standing up facing the door, still as a statue. I wondered what he was looking at, so I looked outside and let out a little scream because peering it right at me was Roy! I live out in the country, so for this to happen it really freaked me out.

I agree, the Invisible Mode icon on ICQ is creepy.

Internal spontaneous combustion. I’m always paranoid that I’ll just be sitting there reading or drawing, and FOOM! I’ll just burn to death right there.

When cleaning out my old desk I found a postcard with a picture of a dead baby on it. The picture was black and white but the cheeks were tinted with this sickly pinkish tone. I guess people took pictures of dead people for postcards back then and it was considered normal. Not now! I wouldn’t sleep in my room until the picture was done away with.

I bought this stupid cheap plastic Voodoo necklace at Dad’s antique market 6 years ago. I wore it all the time, and from the time I put it on all these terrible things happened in my household…things breaking, people getting really sick, just weird stuff. Mom told me to get rid of the necklace or else. One day I couldn’t find it and everything bad stopped. To this day I don’t know what happened to the necklace because I never saw it again.

I could name oodles more creepy stories but I’ll wait until another day.

Oh, please! You’re ALL weird. Just because. And don’t question my use of betwixt again! :wink:

And you’re not? ;^P

Well, how 'bout the roomate of a friend I was visiting who just about every day I was staying there left various items of freshly washed S&M parafinalia drying over the shower curtain rod. And a buttplug on the back of the toilet.

Now don’t get me wrong. It’s not the S&M that bothered me. In fact, I’d have to say I’m pretty much pro-perversion in all it’s forms. But why would you want to display the intimate details of your life (and for the life of me I can’t think of anything more intimate than a buttplug) to some one you met a day and a half ago?
Did I mention he asked me out later that week? “Vaguely” is not the word.
On an altogether different note of creepiness;

So we live right by (well basically surrounded by) a state park. And I was walking through the park grounds the other day, throught the place where they keep the ground mantiance equiptment, and some park offices, and the snow-mobile museum (strange, but not creepy)and I noticed for the first time about 7 or 8 white boxes- about three feet by three feet, all about ten feet away from each other in this field. And I went up close and they all had doors, with locks on the outside. And they all had hook and eye latches YOU COULD LOCK FROM THE INSIDE.

Does anyone have a non-creepy explination for this?

Wendell Wagner. No further explaination needed.
Also, I find it more than a little creepy that either I know the porno/dildo/beanbag chair guy Miss Gretchen was referring to or there are two guys that fit that description!

If they were tall enough for a person to stand inside, and if they had a slit for someone inside to look through, I’d guess they were some kind of deer blinds?

Sounds like bee hives… friend of ours puts boxes like that out in a corner of our woods… he prefers our woods because we farm organically… there’s more for the bees to gather…

Actually, that is 7 foot, 1 inch tall
<walks away quickly>