Was anti-gun activist Jennifer Longdon spit on at an Indianapolis airport?

I’ll bet CNN Airport has been struggling to come up with enough filler content to replace CNN’s “all MH370, all the time” programming for the last few months!

No, I am pretty sure she was shot. I just don’t know why she was shot, or who did it. She claims it was random gun violence.

Apparently she was shot, along with her fiancee at the time. Her fiancee was also armed at the time. However, they never caught the person or persons who shot her, just like they never caught the people who allegedly harassed her or the guy who allegedly squirted her or the guy who supposedly spit on her.

She says the spitting

So, “many” such incidents, but none AFAICT have been corroborated.

She also claims to have three black belts, used to be an expert scuba diver, goes to the emergency room on a near-weekly basis, and has broken too many bones to count. She has also attempted suicide on several occasions. Does this mean she is lying? Of course not. But I would still like to see something more than her word for it.


… where does the third one go?



It’s possible she was spat on, but that she mistook the situation-- maybe there was a screen crawl about the news conference, and the man did recognize her, because he had seen it, or had seen her speak on another occasion. Or maybe he is a big NRA activist who happened to recognize her, and it had nothing to do with the TV, but she was surprised at the attack seemingly coming apropos of nothing, and invented that detail, but really remembers it that way. I just read three of Elizabeth Loftus’ books-- human memory does weird things, it conflates, invents, fills in gaps, and does everything it can to make a coherent narrative out of the things it collects.

As for people not blinking: I wouldn’t be surprised if few if not none of the other people recognized her, and assumed they were watching a personal, possibly domestic, problem, and weren’t going to intervene as long as it didn’t escalate.

And yes, there are lots of gun supporters in Indianapolis, but that doesn’t mean the airport is full of them, because everyone sitting waiting for a flight is not necessarily from Indianapolis. It’s an international airport, and it serves the whole state for national flights; also Indiana has a couple of big universities, not to mention the racetrack, so people from all over fly in and out, plus make connections. If there’s supposed to be some implication that of course this happened in Indianapolis, and not LaGuardia or LAX, that’s ridiculous.

They were holding their press conference in Indianapolis to coincide with the NRA national convention. There’d be plenty of people in the airport there who might have a beef with her.

It’s also possible that the man was sitting next to her watching something on a laptop screen, or there was some other non-official-airport screen that they both could see.

Or should could be a big fat pants-on-fire liar.

The third belt.

She uses the second and third as suspenders.


I’ll freely say that I find the idea that someone spat on a woman in a wheelchair and no one else reacted to be the most preposterous element of the story.

It may be true, but I doubt it.

spitting on someone is a crime. It comes complete with it’s own DNA. This was done at a busy airport in a confined area with cameras and people standing around.

Where’s the culprit? I call shenanigans on this. I can’t imagine the shit-storm that would occur if the general public saw someone spit on a person in a wheelchair.

Re the post right before this, spitting on someone is a crime, but it is not likely to be prosecuted. I feel that I am faster to call in the authorities if I see a crime in progress than the average person, but there is no way I would seek to criminalize such disgusting boorishness.

Whether this incident took place, I don’t know. Humans often make misleading statements regardless of their political views. However, the overall pattern seen in the many incidents documented, or alluded to, in the Mother Jones article, is plausible. There are too many reports of death threats against people who demonstrate against guns, or try to sell smart guns, for the pattern to not exist.

And, it’s biologically plausible. Its been shown over and over that carrying a gun increases aggression:

If a gun carrier doesn’t like your driving, he or she is more likely to give you the finger:

We are seeing the same dynamic here.

Irrelevant. I can guarantee that anyone in an airport wouldn’t be carrying a gun.

You are focusing on one incident where solid proof is admittedly lacking, whereas I was looking at the overall pattern described in the article.

But as for your guarantee, while you perhaps can give it for a Labordor airport, Ms. Longdon was in Indiana. That’s one of our states where Guns [are] Allowed All Over Except Near Politicians.

According to their law, permit holders can carry a gun in an airport, except in areas of an airport to which access is controlled by the inspection of persons and property. So was Ms. Longdon waiting for her flight before or after going through security? We don’t know for sure. Surely not enough to guarantee.

I wouldn’t even make the guarantee for post-security. The US Transportation Security Agency confiscated 1,813 guns last year, and with so many you can’t help but miss a lot.

P.S. Did I just fall for the Labrador Deceiver’s Labrador Deception?

Your posts are getting more and more ridiculous. We have no proof that this person even existed, much less was carrying a gun. Come back when you have anything relevant to contribute to the discussion.