WELCOME TO THE WHITE HOUSE - PUSH BUTTON. What does the button do?

Way to kill the thread Muffin. Just kidding, I can’t wait to see if you get a response :slight_smile:

An angel gets its wings.

Back when it was Trudeau and Reagan, I happened upon some stationery from the Office of the Prime Minister, so I sent a letter to the Reagan at the White House. I have no idea if there was a response. Darned if I can remember what I wrote, but I recall trying to keep it plausible in an inane sort of way.

You pushed the button.

Am I the only one who thinks it odd that the “PUSH BUTTON” instructions are almost totally covered by the button itself?

It’s almost as if a new button was installed in a new spot on the box since the last time the box was painted - note how shiny the button metal is. Perhaps what is now the button box didn’t used to actually house the button.

I’ve had the idea to dig through google images looking for old pictures of the fence. Could provide some clues.

If you just put a button there with no instructions, people will push it. At least, I would.

If you put a button there with an instruction to push it, but offering no explanation why, or what will happen, people will be suspicious and question it and be hesitant to push it.

It’s Hillary’s joy buzzer.

Paint it red.
Then DUCK!!..(^_^)

Speaking of mysterious items near the south fence of the White House, anybody know what this box is for? I mapped the location roughly as best as I could remember.

It doesn’t say Push at all. This is the infamous Pussy Button, a relic from the far distant days of the Kennedy White House. JFK’s dates would ring this before being admitted by the Secret Service. (This is also the reason for the diplomatic cover-up of the sign by the button itself.)

Ah Camelot!

If there was only one of them, I would have said that it was an unusually-high-end compost bin, but not on a concrete pad like that. Probably a motion detector.

Looks like a low voltage outdoor lighting fixture to me. Light would emit from the “slits”.

Barack now has the most votes on American Idol.

No one really knows what the button does but it MUST be pushed every 180 minutes!

You can find the answer here.

Push the button Max!

I don’t know what the button is for but it is connected to the roof of the white house and when it is pressed a guard on the roof waves. My kids pushed this a few times until the guard waved them away. All very friendly.

It starts a bad movie on the Satellite of Love.
