What are the little bead-like things you can feel under the skin inside your lips?

Doesn’t the seventh response answer it? Labial glands…

I’ve had a few of these in my lip since I was a child. When I was very young, I used to think they were cancer. Many years later I am here to tell you they are not. I don’t know what they are, though. I have just one now and haven’t thought about it in years until I read this post.

I don’t have anything to add except I have always wondered this too. I can even grab mine with my teeth and this has been true since childhood. Tapioca is a good description. It isn’t cancer. It is just an odd texture in certain areas of the mouth on both sides.

They haven’t changed, aren’t discolored or oozing anything. Just the same as ever, just didn’t know what they were.

On another note, what are the hard, flat, things growing out the end of each of my fingers and toes?

Well, it was a full moon last night, are you getting suddenly hairy, newcrasher?

Uh, I don’t have these. Is one supposed to have these? Am I missing a gland! Aaaaaahhh!!!

Yes, I have them, and I think those who say they don’t are pushing with their tongue hard enough, as the Labial Glands answer is 100% correct from my reckoning…

I have them too since Childhood, they are normal for me as my tongue, I am 52 now and was diagnosed “Marfam Syndrom” a connective tissue disorder, in 1990. On the occasion of a check up it was explained to me that there are several kinds of disorder affecting the Hearth, Gums, Eyes, Limbs and joints. I now assume that these “Beads” are a normal thing to me with this Marfam Syndrom. Now I know that only some people have them:)

I also have a ton of scar tissue from braces, so I’m not sure what’s normal up in there and what ain’t.

While we’re here, what’s that part above and in front of your top teeth? It perpendicularly bisects the upper part of the upper-inner lip (behind where a mustache would be.)

And before anyone says I should have just Googled this–it took me long enough to figure out if the part behind the mustache is actually a part of the lip, and I still get conflicting answers.

Frenulum. I know because I once had mine removed. It grows back.

Hey, I have these too! I always thought everyone had them.

Possibly a mucocele.


It is the Sublingual Caruncle. Please see links to wiki and google images for reference. (To those that came to this thread like I did thinking it was about the “BB’s” in the floor of the mouth. This thread helped solve my problem though :slight_smile: )


That’s not what is described by the OP. They specifically say that the bumps are in their lips, not below their tongue.

I still hold that mucocele is quite likely, even all these years later.

Updated image here: http://www.primehealthchannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Mucocele-Photos.jpg

They are a curse from god to teach you to stop touching yourself.

If they are truly instructions from god, then are they not blessings?

The OP was confused about where his lips are, so he may well have meant the sublingual thingummys.

I know what OP is talking about.

When I was little my a-hole brother told me they were spider egg sacs full of baby spiders. MOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM! Lolol