What are your little body mutations?

And with that I must point out that I lack four molars. I had three baby molars (one fell victim to a Baby Ruth when I was 11) until I was 16 and got braces; my orthodontist yanked them and reorganized the whole shebang.

I *used to * have a third nipple.

It got bitten off during sex.

Nothing else worth noting.
Heh, that’s almost a haiku about my lost third nipple.

I was missing two lower permanent molars. I also had a branchial cleft remnant in my neck which grew a huge cyst when I was young. I don’t really understand it except it’s something like a gill remnant and it’s an embryological screw up. Maybe I’m part fish.

Mine are like that too! No one in my family seems to have it though so i’ve always been the “freak” of my family. I do agree it makes some shoes uncomfy, especially heels.

My left little toe is also on sideways which makes that nail a bit hard to paint if i want to.

You’re like a Batman villain. That’s kind of cool, if odd.

I don’t think I have anything freaky about me. I am ordinary and boring, average and unattractive.

I have crooked ring fingers on both hands. There’s a pretty noticable overlap onto my middle fingers. I can make them not overlap but then there’s a big gap between ring and middle fingers. My Gran and older niece have the same thing. Don’t know about the younger one yet, she’s still hopefully three months away from being born. :slight_smile:

Isn’t that the way they’re supposed to be? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with a second toe as long as the big toe. On the other hand, I’ll admit to not making that an object of study, either.

Hmmm. You could cover one of mine with an unpopped popcorn kernel. How close am I?

As for me, I have small-for-my-height hands and feet. I know a nine-year-old with feet as big as mine, and her 8-year-old sister’s hands are very nearly as big.

I also have “aplastic” upper sinuses, which basically means I have no upper sinuses. Sadly, this does NOT mean I don’t get sinus infections.

I have superskin that replenishes itself about 10 times as fast as it should.
Unfortunately, it ain’t pretty. >.<

And yeah, I don’t think I even HAVe pinky toenails. When cut, it’s like it’s just a little nail bed or something.

Very similar to my case…three of my four “first bicuspids” never came in as adult teeth (only the upper right hand one did). As it turns out, the baby teeth which those teeth should have replaced were actually larger than the adult teeth, causing much crowding and crookedness. I had to have all four of them extracted, and then wore braces for two years to pull the remaining molars “one space forward” (and straighten out all the crookedness).

My left pupil is oddly shaped and sits higher in my eye than the right after a bout of iritis. For a while it actually looked square, I kind of liked it that way 'cause it freaked people out.

I have tiny, skinny pinky toenails, also. I have to be careful cutting them because I could almost rip the whole thing off as they are very tough.

I still have two baby teeth.

Got the opposite: extreme Morton’s toe.

I have remarkably short thumbs. So short that gloves and mittens do not fit properly. I can really only wear those “magic” stretchy knit gloves in order to not have 1/2 - 3/4 inch of extra fabric flopping at the top of my thumbs.

Mine are even smaller than that. One half of a kernel would suffice for mine.

I have a mild case of Morton’s toe, which my twin brother used to make fun of. Jerk.

My wisdom teeth never came in, I don’t know if that counts.

That’s what I came to say. :slight_smile:

My father and his father both have it, too.

I’m short a rib on one side. Not a very visible thing I admit.

Huh; I thought this counted as a poll.

When I straighten my arm, my elbow bends inward. I never thought this was a weird thing until several of my friends noticed and freaked out.

One of my canines never appeared until I was almost 13. By that time the rest of my teeth had all grown in, so it didn’t have any room to come out normally. It ended up coming out behind my other teeth. As a result I have a small gap between my incisor and molar and somewhat crooked teeth. (This has made it impossible to fix my slight overbite - one dentist said I’d have to have major surgery to realign my teeth before I could get braces to fix the overbite.)

Oh, this brings back memories. My sister’s bio teacher in high school used Morton’s toe and cleft chins as examples of what benign mutations were, how they happened, heredity and so forth. You know, sciency bio stuff.

What did my sister bring home, knowledge-wise ? That I was a degenerate mutant. Wouldn’t let go of it for months. And I totally bought it, too :mad:

Are you me? :slight_smile:

I’ve got all those, plus my index finger top joints lock so I can point round corners (without bending the other joints)

How common that is varies by different populations. In sculpture art and art history when the big toe is the longest it’s known as “the Egyptian foot” and when the second toe is longest it’s known as “the Greek foot”. That’s in addition to “Morton’s toe” for the Greek foot. Dr. Morton implied that it was a defect and in extreme cases it can be a problem, particularly in regards to getting shoes to fit, but really it’s a natural and normal variation in the human foot in most cases.