What Does This Bumper Sticker Mean?

Geeez …


Anyone with a pulse could have found out what 26.2 with an oval (not a circle) around it means …

#1) Go to an Internet search engine like:


#2) In the search box, type:


#3) Mouseclick on the IMAGES option.

Coincidentally, someone on a running group I’m part of on FB posted a picture of this sticker today. I wish I could take credit for the comment someone made, but I can’t:

“You laugh, but this car belongs to a world champion jump roper.”

I guess that sounded dick-ish. I’m not belittling the half, or people who do them, for chrissakes I just finished my first one. It’s entirely possible that my body won’t let me do anything longer.

I have a pulse (resting: 60 bpm) and didn’t see anything I would want at http://www.goggle.com.

You don’t know how many times I’ve heard that.

I just finished 11 weeks of training to do a 5K - only 3.1 miles. I have till November to add 10 more miles to that. I want that 13.1 sticker sooooooooo bad! I can’t imagine “meh-ing” one.

Are your goggles foggled?

I once saw a bumper sticker that simply said “Right on Hereford, Left on Boylston.” Since Hereford St. in Boston is a one-way heading from Boylston St., I’m guessing this is in reference to those being the final two turns before the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

Not ‘meh’ the accomplishment, just the sticker itself!

I was analyzing my position on this last night, and decided it’s just my ‘anti me-too’ reflex kicking in. This attitude actually applies to most oval stickers. I feel about them the same way that I feel about ‘My Kid Is A…’ stickers.

Since this has been resurrected, I’ll just mention that the same sticker in Metric (OK, and rounded down slightly) would be a lot cooler:


Just don’t hitchhike to the finish line! :slight_smile:

Says the guy who would be hard pressed to finish a centi-marathon… :o

Yup, it’s a mantra for many Boston runners. They’re pretty much the only real turns on the marathon course (there are two others but not quite as pronounced) and they’re just a tiny, tiny distance from the finish line. It feels really good to make the right on Hereford, trust me.

My 13.1 sticker was a gift from my daughter in honor of my finishing my first half at the age of 61. You can ‘meh’ it all you want, I’ll display it til it fades to nothing.

I’m only half proud of you 13.1ers.

Saw one just a couple days ago that said “27.4 (I got lost)”

Got to brag on my Wife. She’s done 4 full Ironmen and probably 5 halfs. I’m the sherpa. They are LONG days, but I’m not really in any position to complain :smiley:

Heh. During a full Ironman, my Wife jumped off the course to pee in the woods.

This particular course was a back and forth so people where running in both directions. Yep, she started running in the wrong direction when she got back to the course. Only for about a half mile, but still.

At that point in the race, you are pretty much on empty and are not very clear headed.

A. James must have just run a Marathon to wake this guy up again. Congrats!

Maybe I should get one that says “3.14159” because I work out on a track.

I’ve got one that says 76,325. It’s how far I’ve driven my current vehicle.
F that running bullshit.

You better not complain, sounds like she could kick your ass.

Now, go organize her wetsuits. Before she gets pissed off.


What’s the difference?