What exactly would happen if Sarah Palin was elected president?

On the fiscal side of things, I’d take an incompetent and a quitter over someone actively trying to increase the size and power of the government any day of the week.

A well intentioned idiot can do as much damage as an evil smart person (maybe more damage). The evil guy, in a Macchiavelli sort of way, won’t be so eager to kill the golden goose (I know I’m mixing images pretty horribly).

You can say that hit me baby one more time, Sam.

Well, no sense in half measures. If you’re gonna mangle it, go all the way :cool:

That attitude would have somewhat more credibility if more anti-liberals had articulated it during the administration of George W. Bush, who was not only actively trying to increase the size and power of government but who was in many ways incompetent as well.

Evidently, trying to increase the size and power of government (even as an emergency measure in the face of catastrophic economic collapse in the private sector) is only something to worry about if a liberal president is doing it.

:confused: Hey Kimstu, are you an acolyte of the SteveG1 school of posting?

I don’t see how an idea gets “credibility” in the first place. And I don’t see how my idea has anything to do with the idea of other people about a different president.

So, you’ve failed.

Thanks for saying that.

On the credit side, Palin would be following in the footsteps of two complete incompetents, Dubya and Obama.

On the debit side, would the American electorate be silly enough to vote for someone who cannot give a speech without referring to notes written on the palm of her hand?

It’s a tough choice. It would depend on the qualities of her opponent as compared to hers.

One thing that’s always intrigued me is how the American political system so frequently succeeds in putting forward a pair of idiots to vie for the post of its elected monarch.

A Palin presidency might be a good thing in the longer term for America. It would increase the power of the Senate and Congress. She’s essentially a pleasing non-entity, and as long as she realises it, she won’t do badly. She’s got the charm of Bill Clinton and the ideas of Margaret Thatcher but the intelligence of neither, so more power would pass to those elected bodies as long as they schmooze her the right way. After a couple of such presidents there might be the situation that the head of the senate committee on X becomes the Secretary of State for it. But does America want that?

I believe the original statement is intended to convey Rand Rover’s belief that an idea has merit on its own, wholly independent of who proposes it.

I’m not sure, but I think your reaction is snark, intended to suggest that Rand Rover was admitting that he cannot evaluate or recognize credible ideas.

Although I think she is the female equivalent of what in males is known as “an empty suit”…and think she is a bit of a “mad dog”…she is attractive and has a good body.

I wouldn’t go out of my way to do her (as I would if Jessica Alba were elected to the office), but it would at least be a thought in my mind…which has never occurred to me with any president so far.

I always like the lights on! :slight_smile:

I’m curious about why the word “actively” is in there. Can’t imagine it would make a difference whether it happens “actively” or “passively” if it happens.

Only guess I can make is that the word might prevent someone from suggesting “I guess that means you would take her over someone like Ronald Reagan?”

Any other reason?

I don’t want to put words in Jragon’s mouth, but this almost sounds like “Don’t worry; everyone including herself will know how incompetent she is, so nearby adults will take over.” This might work in a Governor’s job, but not with the special responsibilities of U.S. President.

The U.S. recently experimented with the idea that Presidential intellectual strength wasn’t necessary. Given how that experiment worked out, to even imagine a Palin Presidency is to go well beyond farce or fiction, and imagine an electorate gone psychopathic and/or suicidal.

Yes, people forget how clever Reagan and Clinton were.

I have my own school of posting? Is that like a school of thought? Nice. I didn’t know I was so cool :smiley:

Palin was way out of her league and had nothing to offer. She couldn’t speak coherently (her “speeches” were just compilation of random gibberish), couldn’t organize her thoughts, couldn’t govern her own state (she botched it up and then quit), could not produce or articulate any plans or ideas, and certainly didn’t help McCain’s chances for election. There were and are plenty of Republicans who would have been a far far far better choice as McCain’s running mate than she was. If anything, she was the worst choice they could possibly make. She has no business in politics.

Have you guys seen James Tyler? That Mullet…GRRRR…

Palin was sadly the best choice McCain could have made. He had no real shot without her. In this sad country, her selection actually moved McCain up and solidified his base. He still didn’t win, but strategically it was a smart, if irresponsible, move.

If palin did recieve the republican nomination I do not think her limited background would survive a real scrunity it would recieve which up to now has not actually occurred.

As a liberal independant who despises rebublicans she would be my first choice for the republicans.

If she really was the best choice, if she is all we have, then we are in trouble.

Strategically, only. She was a gimmick for McCain. Nothing more or less. Obama was going to win. She was a wild card that at least made things interesting.

That’s not exactly what I meant. I don’t think everyone will say “oh shit! Palin’s president,” and guide her by the hand out of the darkness. I think she’ll try to do the best she can, and soon discover what is and isn’t feasible to accomplish (and a lot of what she proposes isn’t feasible, in my opinion). At that point she’ll probably start listening to advisers and such more and, even if not intentional, settle into something close to, but not quite, a puppetry. If that happens it will probably be subtle enough that not even the people pulling the strings really know that they’re pulling the strings, and Palin won’t know she’s having her stings pulled.

Also note that I said probably, she could be more stubborn than I suspect, or 9/11 2.0 could hit and she could go into a state of zealotry.