What five-letter word doubles its size when you add two letters?

Simple- he died of a heart attack, and soon afterward a snowstorm obliterated his tracks. In his backpack was half a jumbo bag of pork rinds.


Ben, the version of that one that I know was set in a desert, not in the snow. But I like your answer anyway. :slight_smile:
More riddles!

  1. A man is at work, and he wants to go home. However, he will not go home, because a man wearing a mask is waiting there for him. What do both men do for a living?

  2. A man is found shot to death inside a room with a table, four chairs, and fifty-three bicycles. Why was this man shot?
    Here’s three you’ll never get in a billion years:

  3. A man is found dead in the middle of nowhere, holding a broken toothpick. How did he die?

  4. A man is in an elevator, and it stops. After ten minutes, he pulls out a gun and shoots himself. Why?

  5. Two men are eating in a restaurant. One man orders albatross soup. The second man gets up, runs over to a window, and jumps out. Why did the second man kill himself?

Wanna say the masked guy’s an exterminator.

Cheating at poker.
Here’s mine:

  1. A woman buys a new pair of shoes. She goes to work. She dies. Explain.

  2. A man is driving in his car. He turns on the radio and hears a song. He pulls over and shoots himself. Why?

Think baseball. You know, I’ve never liked this one since I saw Kent Hovind use it as an example of how anyone can be brainwashed (don’t ask).

Plane crashing. Need less weight. Draw “straws” (toothpicks). He gets the short (broken) one. Splat. :slight_smile:

Water-gun. Getting too hot, so he cools himself down.

He was once stranded with some people (exact story varies) and one of them disappeared. Shortly later, another person serves the starving group some “albatross”. It is really the missing person, and after the man in the restaurant realizes what albatross really tastes like, he knows he has eaten another person. He can’t live with himself, and so jumps out the window.


She’s a tightrope walker, and the new shoes weren’t fit well to her feet.

The song was by the Backstreet Boys.
(sorry, couldn’t resist) :slight_smile:

Here’s some easy ones:

  1. A man is found dead by a green rock. What happened?

  2. Hundreds dead in a cabin in the woods. What happened?

He died.

They died.

It is the cabin of a plane (which crashed).



Has a father who’s on a life support machine at home. The elevator stops from a power outage, and after 10 minutes he realizes that his father is dead.

Or maybe life support systems have backup power supplies that only last 10 minutes.

I remember this one vaguely from school. So, back to the OP, are we stumped?

In response to the OP:


::mumbles and apology and runs away fast::

racinchikki– Yay for the “cheating at poker” answer!

Your number 2 sounds familiar, but I can’t remember the answer right now…

BlackKnight– Yup on the baseball answer. For the broken toothpick one, you got it, except he was in a hot air balloon.

I’m pleased you got the albatross one. I got some strange looks when I explained that one, and so I don’t want more people thinking I made it up myself. :slight_smile:

The man found dead by the green rock is Superman. The rock is kryptonite.

Karellen– You got it.
The only reason I said “you’ll never get these in a billion years” is because I tossed these at my students, and they completely stumped them. (Either that, or they’re really good at disguising their boredom.) Shoulda known you guys would eat 'em for breakfast. :slight_smile:

The man’s backpack was full of plutonium, and the man died of acute radiation poisoning.

Later, it snowed, but the heat from the backpack kept snow from accumulating on the corpse.

Another old puzzle for you.

A man lives on the 35th floor of a tower block.
Every day he takes the lift to the ground floor on his way to work. On the way home he only takes the lift to the 30th and walks the last five floors (except when it’s raining).

'S easy really


couldent resist.
Three guys check in to a hotel, the manager is not in. The bellboy charges them $10 each and takes them to their room. When the manager returns he discovers the guest have been over charged $5. He tells the bellboy to refund the money to them. The bellboy, not wishing to deal in change, gives each guest a $1 refund and pockets the remaining $2. The question is… if each guest only paid $9 for the room ($10 -$1 =$9), and $9 x 3 = $27 (the cost of the room), and the bellboy put $2 in his pocket, and $2 + $27 =$29 … what happened to the other $1 from the original $30?

He’s a dwarf, and can’t reach the high 35 button, unless he has an umbrella with him (I’ve heard it where he can also go all the way up if someone else is in the elevator with him)
As for the bellboy missing dollar one, there is no answer. It’s a faulty question. The room cost $25 + $2 (bellboy self-tip) = $27, $9 each. You shouldn’t be adding the bellboy’s $2 to the $27, it’s already a part of it.

This damn “riddle” is like a bad chain letter that keeps coming back. Anyone else sick of it?

The man is very short, and can’t reach above the 30th button on the elevator, except when he can hit it with his umbrella. Didn’t he ever think of using a cane?


As to the elevator question, the man’s a midget. He can’t reach up to 35, so he hits the highest floor he can, 30. Of course, when it’s raining, he has an unbrella and can reach it with that. You also left out that he goes to his floor when he’s not alone in the elevator.

A crossword puzzle clue…

5 letter word

Clue: Not A to G, not P to Z.