what gives women the best orgasm?

Ummm, NO that’s not how it always works. Not with ordinary intercourse.

Again, according to Masters and Johnson, only about 25% of women are able to achieve orgasm through plain old intercourse.

The CAT (coital alignment technique) is making some pretty good strides in allowing female orgasm during intercourse though.

But for most of us, some sort of direct (read: hands, tongue, etc) is necessary.

[Heart] OH! He’s got the magic hands MOMMA! [/Heart]

The very idea makes me giddier than a schoolgirl before filling me with a nameless dread…:dubious:

I have got to stop reading sex TMI thread and ljanonymouslj while I’m at work. At least I have an office door that locks.

Bah, my tentacles are better than any Orgasmatron. Also, Hello ** UselessGit **