What Images Can You Surmise From Other Dopers' Screen Names?

lieu: receding hairline, beard, slightly cynical look, but with an amused glint in his eye at the foibles of his fellow man.

I picture these folk thusly:

Shirley Ujest - I picture as Shirley from Lavern and Shirley…


**And now for your afternoon’s slice of Hell, I give you the song that you can’t get out of your head. sponsored by Phlosphr.
Five …six …seven… eight…Schmeil…Schmazel Hossenpheffer Incorporated…

Give us any rule we’ll break it…

My work is done here.

Ahem. If you’ll excuse the blatant fishing…

Lynn Bodini=Lindsay Nagel.

That may be for you, but for me it’s just another drip from Chicago. :wink:

Change that to “decent beer” and I’d swear you lurked in my apartment.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to put my hand in my pants and talk about the time I scored 4 touchdowns in a single game…

What about me?

Yes, but you must complete the image by adding that Phlosphr wears socks with the sandals, even in summertime.

And I agree about the glowing.

Painfully obvious but unavoidable: the kid on the Dutch Boy paint cans.

That’s just what I was going to say.

I picture FairyChatMom as the Tooth Fairy in those CoinStar commercials, the one who gets knocked down by the weight of all the quarters, and cashes them in for dollar bills at the CoinStar machine. Ever since I started seeing those ads, I just associated her name with that ad.

Really? I kind of thought of the lady with the bonnet, wooden clogs, and feather duster from the Old Dutch Bleach bottles.

Old version here. Newer versions she has a feather duster or toilet brush.

I imagine Eats_Crayons as one of the cartoon Rugrats with her face smeared with (what else?) crayons.

That’s okay. I was expecting “The kid with his finger in the dyke”.

My username defies description in its lameness…guess that is kinda like me.

Sorry to say the obvious, but Smeghead just HAS to look like Rimmer, complete with large ‘H’ on the forehead.

Grrrr, not finished yet :mad:


Ponder Stibbons makes me think of [http://www.knightayton.co.uk/peter_sissons.html]Peter](http://www.knightayton.co.uk/frameset.html?[url) Sissons , probably cos they kinda sound the same.

Chicago Faucet conjures up images of Mario

Sorry, other than that I am terrible at trying to imagine what people might look like

«Ðëëp¤F®ïêd»™ (you’d better believe I copied that!:D), you’re name conjures up a piece of delicious, perfectly-done, piping hot tempura bobbing to the top of a wok full of hot oil. Delicious! Transfering that to a person, I get some one who’s a bit frazzled, a lot crazy in the best possible way, and a lot of fun!


You are all actually rabid squirrels with above average intelligence… aren’t you? Quietly foaming at the mouth as you post and then chittering in anger at some comment you’ve read, spittle flying. Yes… this is how I picture all of you, yes.

stares straight ahead, afraid of making direct eye contact or any sudden movement

Chicago Faucet reminds me of the time I used to work at Chicago Faucet as a temp. They had a nice building, but I could see I90 through the windows, and it was really bothersome. It was up on a ramp at that spot, and with the angle through the windows and everything, looked like cars were whizzing along on a road resting on thin air.

Giraffe must be a tall, lanky guy, who teases everyone in the world. Oh, and he has spots and a tongue like this :stuck_out_tongue: only longer…

Do me! Do me!