What is the organ in chicken thighs?

Well, it’s a good thing I kept my skepticism to myself, then. No need to apologize. In my defense, my Mom thinks that drinking soda will make your sweat sticky, among other things.

Hey, puddleglum. It’s a kidney!

And you’re right, they taste yummy.

OMG–I just quoted a response by “Pullet”. Of course you would know!! So do you just peck at the keyboard?:smiley:

“Lights” in terms of meat, usually refers to lungs.

Did Pullet just call chickens mammals??

Yes! :eek:

I’m going to go with the oyster as well. You can see one being removed and savored 6:30 into this scene from the lovely film Amélie. My wife and I buy roasted chickens from our local market (at $3.99 for an already cooked bird, it makes no sense to roast your own). She’s a perfectly fine cook, but I’m the one who always cuts the chicken up. I don’t insist on it, but it seems to be my responsibility. But it means I get the oysters. Yum!

How well do you think those chickens were treated for them to be cheap enough that a shop could turn a profit at that price?

It’s the kidneys tucked under the bottom ribs. So nicely crusted and a nugget to extract from its bed. You must like bottom of the bucket chicken… The Colonel doesn’t even do kidneys.