What is the Tea Party up to?

Well, that’s correctable with surgery.

Wrong pop culture reference.

Apparently, the TP is planning a “hostile takeover” of the “Washington establishment.”

But if anything he’s a born-again tea partier. Remember he wanted to “compromise” on the debt ceiling fight last year rather than default on our debts. Granted the compromise was already %80 of what the GOP wanted, but that’s not good enough for the far right (who are on the record as saying that when they mean “bitpartisanship” what they really mean is Democrats voting for GOP measures), and apparently they haven’t forgiven him.

The Tea Party is opposed to government aid for the unemployed, and it is opposed to economic policies which in the past have reduced unemployment.

The best explanation of the Tea Party and of our present political situation I have read was written by Thomas Edsall. It can be found here:

Be afraid…be very afraid…

Here in Pennsylvania, an unknown that smelled strongly of tea ran against Democratic Senator Casey in the Democratic primary.

He didn’t have a chance, but maybe they were hoping to have one on each ticket in the general.

For those who want this article in mono-chrome here is alink The arguments look a little more reasonable with out every 5th word randomly changed to a different color.

What the hell is with that other link? Why would someone go to all the trouble of doing that to an article? :confused:

Because some folks genuinely believe, for reasons I can’t fathom, that doing that makes their points clearer.

They are selling t-shirts with a picture of Chief Justice Roberts and the word “coward” under his picture for $30.00 a pop.

A five dollar t-shirt for 30.00 dollars. There’s your fiscal conservative thought process at work.

Also, apparently they’re planning big rallies on the 4th to protest the SCOTUS ACA decision.
