What kind of eel is this? (Is it even a real animal?)

Here’s another angle of the same eel. You can see its eyes seem to be pushed forward and facing each other, which is really quite a freaky mutation.

You mean Sammy?

If a bouillabaisse you 'd prepare
Or for Murène grillée you must swear
There’s a moray

Wow. Weird-looking thing, isn’t it?

Nope. See vid, which I think is from the movie, and wik.

Ah. You were talking about that song. I was going for the one that more closely matches the thread title.

:slight_smile: OK.
What kind of fool am I.

Restaurant critic, on trying deep-fried eels for the first time: “Oh tempura! Oh morays!”

♫ If you knew sushi like I know sushi ♫

:smiley: and on thread…

Something’s fishy around here… :dubious:

Looking at it again, I’m not sure if the eyes are facing each other. I was fooled by the camera flash light.

Salmon chanted evening!

The black dent is an ear or something. Whatever it is, it is also present on your link.

It’s the opening to the gill chambers (morays don’t have normal gill covers). Fish don’t have ears (at least in the sense of terrestrial vertebrates).

It looks like a hand sock puppet to me.

Here’s a head shot of his more ornery cousin. Rhyme that, why don’t you…

♫ When you moon and - big surprise -
You feel teeth in your thighs
That’s a moray ♫

♫ When the world seems to spin
Due to blood loss within
That’s a moray ♫

♫ Sirens ring,
Crash cart “bring”
Next of kin “ring”,
As you sing, “Hell! I need a cappucino” *
Heart’ll race away,
Head will sway
Skin will flay,
Guys’ll say, “I ain’t no fuck’in Tarantino” * ♫

♫ When you can’t walk, and you scream
But you know you’re not reamed, signore
'Scusami, but you see
Back in old Napoli, that’s a Lamprey ♫

  • [sub]Pulp-Fiction homage[/sub]

It’s an ill eel.:smack:

When you swim by an eel
and he bites off your heel,
that’s a moray.