What married gay/lesbian partners call each other

Ok, since I live in sweden I am in a legally recognised relationship. We got married last year, but thanks to the lovely people in the swedish government, we aren’t actually married, we are “Registered Partners”. A disgusting phrase if I ever heard one… makes me feel like a dog for some reason.

I don’t often refer to my wife as my wife because I think it sounds weird, possibly because being married feels like such a grown up thing to be, and therefore not in key with the rest of my life, which is ruled by studying, eating junk-food and playing video games.

I usually say “I am married to a girl” when I let people know for the first time, then after that refer to her by name, or use the swedish eqivilants of better-half, she-who-must-be-obeyed, or just girlfriend.

When its none of their business that I am together with a woman, or when its only likely to make a situation more difficult (like if I am getting hit on by a guy in a bar), then I use the very handy swedish word “sambo” which means “the person I live with and am romantically involved with” :slight_smile: totally NGS (non gender specific) and very very handy.


PS, Ok, I give up, what the heck does YMMV mean? I think I have worked out all the other acronyms myself, even OP.

Iteki, first of all, welcome aboard.

“YMMV” means “Your Mileage May Vary”. It’s a disclaimer in US automobile ads to cover the automaker’s ass if you don’t get the 5,000 miles to the gallon they promise. On message boards, it means, generally, “This has been my experience. Your experience may be completely different.”


thank you! much appreciated, and i acutally dont feel too bad for not having worked that one out myself!
