What movies do you want to see released to DVD?

Cannery Row


El Topo - which is actually out now or soon. Woohoo!

**Little Shop of Horrors **with the original / alternate ending.

The two-part miniseries Frankenstein: The True Story (1973), with a screenplay by Christopher Isherwood. Very impressive work, indeed. Just released on DVD two months ago.

Zentropa (Europa)

It was released, but they never asked David Geffen’s permission to use the footage of the original ending, which he owned the rights to. The DVD was pulled and re-released without the original ending. The original DVD is now a valuable collector’s item.

Wow, where to begin? In rough chronological order: The Italian Straw Hat, The Wind, The Lighthouse Keepers, I Was Born But…, Man’s Castle, The Story of Late Chrysanthemums, Intruder in the Dust, El, The Tarnished Angels, Decision at Sundown, The Big City, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, The Mother and the Whore, The Travelling Players, Kings of the Road, Red Sorghum, The Double Life of Veronique and Belfast, Maine for starters.

And that’s not to mention some titles (Ashes and Diamonds, On Dangerous Ground, Ordet) that you can only purchase in box sets but not individually and some (The Incredible Shrinking Man, The Earrings of Madame de…, Voyage to Italy, Chimes at Midnight, Killer of Sheep, Make Way for Tomorrow) already mentioned.

The straight dope message board comes through again! Thank you thank you thank you, Walloon.

I’ve had a copy of Erik the Viking for quite a while now. (Don’t have it handy to look, but I’m guessing it isn’t region 1.)

Woo-hoo! Thanks!

All of that information is contained in the first few sentences of Hey you!'s link.

The Japanese film Last Scene, directed by Hideo Nakata, of Ringu fame. Saw it at a film festival a few years ago, but still no domestic release. :frowning:

As far as I know, The Public Enemy is not out on DVD. The best thing about this movie are Jimmy Cagney’s incredible outfits.


Dogs in Space

To name just one, the Jeanne Eagels version of The Letter

Trilogy of Terror Why, oh why isn’t this available? Scared the living piss out of me as an impressionable tot.

Did you check to see if it was available?

And then there’s the flip side. A Midwinter’s Tale (known in some markets as In the Bleak Midwinter) is Branagh’s loving tribute to the fearless thespians who give it their all for the sheer love of the theater. Filmed as a warm-up for his massive, epic, big-budget, seventy-milimeter widescreen treatment of Hamlet, (with some of the same cast) it’s the hilarious story of a bizarrely ecclectic theater troupe mounting a no-holds-barred, zero-budget, seven person rendition of the same play. It’s the only movie in my “must watch once a month” collection that has yet to find its way onto DVD.

Wow. I consider myself somewhat film-knowledgable. But with the exception of **The Incredible Shrinking Man ** and Chimes at Midnight, I had never heard of any of these film titles. It’s like I’m on a mirror-earth where all the great films are the same but have different titles. Well, I’m off to watch Thorson Pelles’ Resident Blane.

Here’s an infinitesimally partial list, off the top of my head; every single day I come across another dozen or so titles that need to be released.

Confessions of an Opium Eater
Ace in the Hole
Gabriel Over the White House
The Iron Horse
Street of Shame
Killer of Sheep
To Sleep with Anger
Christmas in July
The Crowd
Distant Voices Still Lives