What old horror movie should my friends and I watch?

I love “Burnt Offerings” but it’s kind of a slow-burn and might be a bit dull for a viewing party. Ditto “…Jessica…” “It’s Alive” or “The Crazies” might be better for a group. Or what about “The Car” with James Brolin? A preposterous “Jaws” ripoff (!) about a possessed sedan.

Spider Baby - really bizarre, demented movie about really bizarre, demented people. Starring Sid Haig; can’t really go wrong there, IMHO.

Freaks is just as unsettling today as it was in 1932. “We accept her, one of us! One of us!”

A few years ago someone gave me this stinkeroo on DVD. It is gloriously campy and bends the needle on the goofy meter.

If you wish to go even further back, and aviod all the gore, it’s hard to beat “The Giant Claw” or even “Plan 9 from Outer Space.” These movies make fun of themselves. :slight_smile:

The whole movie, also known as Mask of Satan or Mask of the Demon.

Followed a year or two later by Vault of Horror, both from Amicus, I believe. Definitely not Hammer, tho TFTC does have Peter Cushing.

The Creeping Terror


Ed Wood

I vote for “Phantasm”.
Not your typical horror film, and sticks out in my mind as one that really spooked me when I first saw it (college days).

Not really in the OP’s timeframe, but I think The Tingler is worthy of consideration.

That’s the one I was going to mention. I remember seeing Phantasm at the drive-in back in the late 70’s or so.

Also another vote for Trilogy of Terror.

Of the titles mentioned in the OP, my vote would be for “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death.” Some other choices you might consider: “House on the Edge of the Park” from I think the late 70s or early 80s; for a slow buildup of suspense and dread, the original 60s version of “The Haunting” is great, but it seems like you might be looking for something maybe a bit cheesier and less well-known. If you can track down any of the “Coffin Joe” movies like “At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul,” that might be a good choice, as would pretty much anything by Fulci, especially “Zombie” (also called Zombi 2) from '79.

Village of the Damned (1960 film)

**Re-Animator **is an awesome *awesome *horror movie, with scares and laughs and gross-outs. It does have a very lecherous head, but I think the exploding head you referred to probably is from Scanners.

Agreed. Slow, yes - but intriguingly weird if I am recalling correctly.

Howabout The Legend of Hell House? I have a soft spot for that one, with Roddy McDowell and whatsherface from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

Or, y’know, you can just watch the The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie - it has a fascist in it :D.

How about the original silent version of Nosferatu?

Of course. :smack:

Another good one from the 70’s is They Came from Within – I think we saw it at the drive-in on a triple bill with Rabid and The Brood.

I’m going to violate the rules and suggest a very old but very fun horror movie from the 30’s (one to which I have what might be an obvious admiration): The Old Dark House (original 1932 version please). I have no idea if it’s available on any streaming service or anything, but if you can find it, I think it’s perfect for a group viewing party.

The family living in the house has characters that are campy now but were creepy at the time, plus Karloff as the butler. The innocent visitors include Melvyn Douglas, Raymond Massey, Charles Laughton and Gloria Stuart.

Don’t forget to look for my namesake!
(not Sir) Roderick Femm

I’d always heard about Jessica, so was really looking forward to it. And although I appreciated it stylistically, it bored me silly. Perhaps I need to watch it again.

Good one. It’s very short also if anyone is easily bored.