What's the easiest way too kill myself?

Don’t forget, you need at least 1/4 tank, and preferrably premium.

If a real man gets ahold of a Powerstroke, I’d submit he wouldn’t feel suicidal anyway, so you’re dealing in pure hypotheticals there.

I have heard that an insulin overdose is pretty pleasant.


Copperwindow, your numerous idiotic posts only serve to justify that this one is perfectly appropriate. Best of luck in your future, and final, endeavor.

I’m really not a fan of this thread, but I want to chime in. Even if it’s very clean, any combustion will produce carbon dioxide. I don’t know if this would be enough to kill you but I’m saying this just so that people are aware that you can’t sit all day in a garage with a running modern car and suffer no ill effects. I’m not trying to help the OP, just prevent any accidents from people misunderstanding that in general.

Hey now, A.R. Cane, that wasn’t very nice.

So no one can advise me on how to off myself with a gun (hypothetically speaking, of course)? Is it better (i.e. quicker and more painless) to aim for the brain or the heart?

Nope, not here. (I hope)

If you aim for the heart and not the brain, you are of course at risk for future zombification.

I say this with the seriousness that such a question deserves on these forums.

Nothing will guarantee that nerves wouldn’t cause you to waver just a bit at the wrong moment and end up seriously injured but not dead. All in all, it’s a stupid plan.
Click on www.metanoia.org or call a suicide hotline.

I would imagine that if I were to shoot myself in the brain correctly, it would take less time for the bullet to destroy my brain than it would take for the nerves in my head to send signals to my brain, which wouldn’t be there by that time, no?

No. Ask any emergency room doctor. Ask any neurologist. Instinct is faster than cognition; your instinct to save yourself originated before the ability to come up with the thought that you want to complete the act. Under stress humans default to instinct because at bottom we’re still just critters. It’s called, I think, ‘alligator brain’. Our brains evolved in three stages; only the last dealt with cognition to the degree we can use it. But the wiring for the other two was developed long before and those are the ones developed to keep us alive and functioning. The circuits click on to ‘override’ and ‘urge to live’ (which is primal) kicks in before will can stop it.

So go click on www.metanoia.org and read it. And understand that committing suicide is condemning people you care about to years of torture.

Disgusting thread. Get help.

I can’t believe that after all of the GQs we’ve had, THIS IS THE ONE PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING THIS MUCH ABOUT. Jesus, the person is asking how to off themselves. What the fuck is the big deal? You guys don’t even know him/her, and there’s another screaming pile of joy being squeezed out every second. There’s over six billion of us, we’re most definitely one of the most renewable resources on the fucking planet. Chill out. If you care about some stranger’s suicide your life is too easy.

As for advice on suicide,

Go to Texas. Tell them the BBQ sucked.

As with all medical advice threads here on the Dope, the correct answer is: go see a doctor.

Well said. I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia (aka the suicide disease) from an advanced case of multiple sclerosis and the desire I have of dying when I’m going through TN is much greater than the desire to go on living. I just want it to be quick and painless.

So if I post here, and this thread disappears, does that mean I never posted?

Copperwindow, all I can say, having been suicidal myself once, is that you should really, really think this through. It’s a big decision, and not something anybody should do on a whim. Who will be hurt by your death? Who will find your body and clean up the mess? Do you really, honestly want to die, or do you just want to stop feeling bad? Is there something in your life you think you can change (besides ending your life) that might make your life worth living again? Is it something difficult? More difficult than actually ending your life? Forever?

And if you do want to die, are you willing to put up with the possibility of experiencing intense pain as you die? Because there’s no such thing as a fool-proof, painless way of offing yourself – even a well-placed head shot may not kill you instantly, and it could very well leave you alive, crippled, and suffering. My barber tried to shoot himself in the head and ended up blowing off part of his jaw instead, because he flinched at the last second.

No, that was most certainly not well said. That was one of the worst posts I’ve read in a while. I’m admittedly a pretty heartless bastard myself, and even I think that is a pitiful outlook with no respect for human life.

I’m an ED physician. Seen 'em all and I have an excellent opinion on how to kill yourself. You are not going to get it.

In general, I support the right to kill yourself if your life is wretched, particularly if it’s wretched from a physical debilitation with a reasonably proximate endpoint (meaning you are terminally ill). This doesn’t apply to any of the conditions you mention, but hey it is YOUR life.

However the fact that you are posting on this board to try and find out how to kill yourself means you haven’t done the proper due diligence. It also means you don’t REALLY want to kill yourself; you are bummed out and looking for help. Besides which you are very likely to screw it up and remain even more miserable than before.

Call or go to the nearest ED and talk to a counsellor.
