What's the Worst Christmas Album of All Time?

My mom has a Dixieland Jazz Christmas album that I hate. I’m not much of a jazz fan and it’s a little too frantic and overproduced for me. Of course, I avoid most Christmas music anyway, so the idea of a whole album of it fills me with a kind of dread.

All of them.

Seriously, is there even one worthy of your time?

I happen to be the proud (?) owner of Mae West’s Christmas album, *Mae in December. *It’s a cut-out vinyl LP from some bargain bin, and every bit as awful as you could possibly imagine.

I see that in mint condition, this LP is going for upwards of $200!

Surely a contender for the worst Christmas album cover:

Christmas in the Stars: Star Wars Christmas Album ranks up there. It includes “What Can You Get a Wookiee for Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb?)”

One redeeming factor, though, is as a bit of bar trivia. One song, “R2-D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, is the first professional recording of Jon Bon Jovi.

Yes. Another plug for Carols for a Cure.

Yes (only a single): White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin - YouTube

A John Waters Christmas is, I think, *supposed *to be pretty awful. I wouldn’t play it for polite company, that’s for sure.

Oh, I’m in pain, true pain.

Amazon features a “William Hung STORE.”

Not an album, but I really smiled at this:

I thought everyone was exaggerating. “How much damage could anyone do to ‘Jingle Bells’?” I said to myself. “And it’s Streisand, for pete’s sake. She’s got a great voice.”

Then I listened to the song.

Never again. Never.

That’s listed on the 50 Worst Christmas Albums of All Time.

I’m not really a fan of any Christmas music, but any novelty song other than Bob Rivers will make my ears hurt. And I’m severely tone deaf.

The Muppets and John Denver would like a word with you.

To this day, I think Rolph and John’s rendition of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” is the best recording of any Christmas song, ever.

And I normally despise Christmas music.

I seem to remember a William Shatner Christmas album. But I am not certain. It might just have been a threat of some sort.

The worst I have ever sat through or almost through was Bruce Springsteen’s Christmas album. I was dating a girl who loved The Boss and I was subjected to most of it one Christmas. The most painful song was probably “Oh Holy Night”. His voice was not made for that.

Even with gallons of eggnog that was agony.

Thanks for the link.

I’m baffled that you of all people actually listened to that - how did that come about?

Believe it or not, his parents were classic rock fans. He grew up on stuff like Led Zeppelin.

Paul Revere and The Raiders Christmas Album.

Lord have mercy, I can’t believe I actually bought that piece of shit so that I could complete my PR&TR collection!!!

It must have taken all of 6 hours to produce.

Please avoid this cd at all costs.

You’ll thank me later



Elvis’ Christmas album. Blue Christmas is a travesty. Mostly, I have problems with the backup singers. I want to gouge my ears out when I hear it. My step-dad LOVES that album.

I agree. Those singers voices are supposed to simulate the “wind”. Awful, just awful.
