What's your least favorite programming language?

Toss-up between VB and PHP.

Of course you understand that the determined Real Programmer can write Fortran programs in any language

I think our friend Testy from this nearby thread should see this thread, ya think?

The equivalent statement has been made for C programmers. And after seeing someone write C++ code in the dinky scripting language for an IRC client, I believe it.

Haskell is a really fantastic language if you’re a mathematician, but yeah, it’s not too hard to understand why it hasn’t really taken off in the non-mathematical community.

This. I was thinking Java because I strongly disagree with the design philosophy, but at least it has one. TCL is just an abomination, like someone’s final project for a class that they blew off all semester.

I did some Lisp development back in the day. Here’s one of my masterpieces, or, what remains of it after a disk crash. I lost everything except the end.

Scheme, I’d have to say. Similar to the posting about lisp. Scheme is written almost entirely in parentheses, which good Scheme programmers learn to ignore. It was developed to generate Fibonacci sequences, but since every single Scheme book or tutorial ever conceived uses Fibonacci sequence generation as a teaching example, there’s really no point in learning it.

I find C++ ugly to look at. I also find die-hard C++ programmers odd. A few years ago I went to an ACCU seminar and sat in on some C++ sessions and Java sessions. The C++ sessions were all about making the language jump thru some esoteric hoops. The Java sessions were about solving some type of real world problem.

Python also deserves a slap for its use of whitespace.

COBOL for me. I can’t bear writing “ADD X TO Y GIVING Z” when there’s actual math to be done. I’m hearing a lot of C bashing in this thread, but I thank heaven for C and its descendants.

C++ : Where only your friends can touch your private parts.

Yes. Line-Number Cobol. (The DEC implementation for VAX doesn’t require that every line have a number, which is a slight improvement.)

A close second is PDP Basic - not only was it another line-number language, but if you wanted to copy a string variable to another string variable, you couldn’t use:
A$ = B$
but, instead,
A$ = B$ + “”
because the first actually copied the pointer, so if you subsequently changed the contents of A$, you changed the contents of B$ to match.