When did Superman and Batman first meet? (I.e., in which issue?)

Detective Comics #225 (November 1955) was mentioned in 1987 text pages as “probably the first Earth-1 Batman” appearance (This is an approximate quote, as I don’t have any of my old comics from back then.) They picked this issue because of the “Martian Manhunter” backup feature, which debuted that issue.

How did Neal Adams Batman get along with Superman?


Interesting, and a year before the debut of the Barry Allen Flash, which I’d always thought of as the clear start to the silver age / Earth-One continuity. Since I can’t think of any moment where the Martian Manhunter was retroactively shoe-horned into the Earth Two/JSA continuity, I guess I have a new benchmark.

I remember reading a superboy story from 1950’s or 1960’s where clark and bruce where at mount rushmore does anyone know that story?

IN general, something always happened so that any identity they learned was undone, so that the same room meeting could still be the canonical first.

Well, they had to try to convince Robin, so he wouldn’t get jealous.

I know in recent times, a lot of stories have retconned things with a Batman wary of Supes’powers and using lead in his mask to conceal his identity, even to Supes.

Still, what would have prevented Superman from using his X ray vision to check on Batman’s great body? He may even have done it regularly on Robin or the Teen Titans. What a creep.

IIRC, that story had Bruce Wayne, for some reason, temporarily living in Smallville. He was apparently the same age as Superboy (whatever that was), and, in order to conceal his identity during the inevitable adventures, wore an animal mask and called himself the Flying Fox. I think the Rushmore thing was a giant Superboy appreciation sculpture the town had put up. Anyway, at the end of the story Bruce was shown a future picture of him and Clark as a Batman and Superman. Bruce allows himself to be hypnotized in order to forget the future.
While writing this reply I had to erase “for some reason” about six times. That’s those old stories for you.

Didn’t Superman and Batman both drop in on the initial meeting of the JSA (in All-Star Comics # 3), although they weren’t involved in the adventures being recounted by the “true” members at the time (Sandman, Atom, Dr. Fate, etc)?

They weren’t official members of the JSA, just “honorary” ones. By the rules of the JSA (it was only made up of heroes who didn’t have their own comic book), they were not eligible.

Also, I don’t think they were shown in All-Star Comics #3 (where the JSA began). The cover doesn’t show them and you know that DC would be glad to showcase their two biggest draws.

And how did he get along with Aquaman?

I refuse to honor that setup with the obvious pun.

But I am told that he got into heated discussions with Firestorm. Didn’t like to talk to Red Tornado, though, since he was long-winded.

hi thanks that sounds like it what was that in ?

As I recall, All-Star Comics #36 was both the only instance in the golden age in which Superman and Batman shared a cover with the Justice Society, and the only one in which they joined in the team’s adventure., so you’re right.

*Edit: As an aside, how useless must Doc Mid-Nite and Hawkman feel in that team?

For the best pre-Crisis summary, I recommend World’s Finest #271 (number chosen because it comes 200 issues after Supes and Bats began teaming up in that series) from September, 1981. It compiles the events of numerous early S/B encounters, including an adaptation of the radio meeting, the encounter aboard the cruise ship, several interactions they had as teenagers, etc…

The framing story is pretty weak (though at the end we have guest appearances of the Earth-2 Superman and Robin) but it’s an interesting read nonetheless. I have a copy.

there was a site on web where you could download dc comics anyone know where it is ?

If it wasn’t www.dccomics.com , it’s probably illegal, and we won’t be of any help with copyright infringement.

And to your earlier question, it’d help a lot if you told us what you were talking about. What sounds like it? What is “it”? What was what in?

If I had X-ray vision I would have checked out Aqualad.

As for Batman & Superman, I remember reading that comic as a kid, when they accidentally discovered one another’s identity by firelight. Those were simpler times.

I don’t think Clark is a chicken-fucker. That said, I feel obliged to link to the gayest Superboy cover ever, in which Kal x-ray-peeps on the new boy in town rather than the hot redhead he’s walking down the street with … while said new boy does likewise.