Who are some liberal country singers?

No, he’s not strictly a country singer, and it is indeed a stretch to classify him as one; there are similar elements of style, musically, though.

Irrelevant, off topic, and incorrect.

Nope. Relevant, on topic and correct.

fingers in ears

How are you typing with your fingers in your ears?

Loudon Wainwright. Might be a stretch for the same sort of reason that John Prine is, but still, worth a shot.

Wasn’t Toby Keith’s problem with the Dixie Chicks rooted not in the fact that they stated a political opinion contrary to his, but rather the fact that they elected to state it on foreign soil to a foreign audience?

Yes, but hardly liberal. He recently got his ass chewed off by Kris Kristofferson for telling Kris not to perform “that lefty shit”.

I am so sure that Kris’ “ass chewing” scared the shit out of Toby Keith.

If Keith had any fucking shame, it would, since Kristofferson is 1) a better musician than Toby Keith will ever be, and 2) a veteran.

Sometimes you have to listen to your “dad” even after you can beat him up, though a pretty soft former semi-pro football player vs an older guy who was a rugger and a Ranger would be an interesting fight.

  1. is an opinion…I personally never liked either of them. 2) is irrelevant to the question.

Somehow I don’t think Toby Keith thinks of Kris Kristofferson as his father or even a father figure.

Kristofferson’s amount of life experience, especially including his time as a Ranger and Army pilot, and as a legendary performer and songwriter, bears directly on his qualifications to tell a half-assed Hat Act like Toby Keith to shut the fuck up.

Was the “ass-chewin’” delivered off-key?

Well, DUH! But perfectly phrased.

No, actually they don’t. An 80 year old bum who never worked a day in his life and beat his kids has 80 years of life experience, but it doesn’t qualify him to give much in the way of advice about life.
His experience in the Army is admirable and I appreciate his service, but serving in the military doesn’t make you more correct about politics. If it did, Hitler wouldn’t have been a dictator and Lee Harvey Oswald wouldn’t have been a Communist and a presidential assassin.

Pedantry. Kris Kristofferson has always had valuable, insightful things to say about politics. He was also a Rhodes Scholar, by the way, and earned a scholarship to Oxford University. For political discussion, I’ll take those qualifications over Toby Keith’s years of semi-pro football and oil-derrick experience any day.

Why wouldn’t I?

Toby Keith’s restaurant is better, though.


Total derail, eh?