Who are the best QI regular panelists?

No problem, though I have zero problem with anyone. I even follow Kevin Bridges(on other shows) with no problem, while some find his accent too hard to follow.

Accent is fine, but I have been watching Shameless since the start so I can hang with a northern accent. But I totally disagree with him doing well on the show. He’s a screen hog and does not shut up. Panel shows do much better if you say fewer but more clever things and let everyone else do the same. Noble just goes on and goes loudly and every show he’s on seems like a waste.

No! Which episode is that?

I definitely have a hard time following his accent sometimes. Of course, it may be that I just get distracted looking at his hair. :slight_smile:

Why, no! Not yet, that is… [wanders off]
… [wanders back]

Oh my. Thank you, Gyrate! Don’t worry if you don’t see me around for a while, folks, I’m catching up on some, um, work. Yes, work, that’s it.

s02 e07.

I voted Alan Davies (couldn’t really do the show without him - the one episode where he was ‘transported’ away sucked), David Mitchell, and Dara O’Briain. I also like Bill Bailey and Sean Lock, but not as much as the first three. Actually the only regulars I really dislike are Jo Brand, Johnny Vegas, and John Sessions. Sessions especially is unbearable, but it seems to me that he’s been on less and less as time has passed.

Incidentally, for anyone who likes Alan, Dara, and Bill- all three of them have been on episodes of Room 101, which is another generally funny British show. It’s not the same format as the panel shows, but it gives the individual comedians a lot of time to shine.

Johnny Vegas was quite lucid in last night’s episode (on insects and invertebrates).

…and now I’m a little less annoyed that I haven’t gottten to see it yet.


Yeah, almost surprisingly so.

I just came to this thread to note that about Johnny lol

I went with:

  1. Alan (who, as many have said, is basically the costar of the show, not a guest, so shouldn’t count, but he’s on here, so I voted for him :D). I do notice that he’s been particularly quiet for the past couple of series, so perhaps his heart isn’t in it as much as it used to be. Still, Alan remains a beloved fixture for me on this show and I’d dearly miss him if he left. He shall forever be my favorite for his terrible Spanish accent in the “theees peenk polenta” bit (and the utter bewilderment on his face when Stephen zings him shortly afterward).

  2. David Mitchell. I have a major schoolgirl crush on him and his charmingly self-deprecating, quick-witted, quick-tempered, unabashedly middle-class persona. His rants are legendary. My favorite from QI would have to be the one after Alan sheepishly gives the obvious answer–and is correct, for once–after which Mitchell says “That’s the technique of the bully!” Ah here it is. I think Stephen gets a real kick out of him too – he always seems delighted by Mitchell’s answers.

  3. Rob Bryden. He does rely on his impressions too much in WILTY but he’s bloody good at 'em, so I can’t blame him too much for dipping once too often into that well. Anyway on QI he doesn’t pull that shtick too often, and instead is razor-sharp while being sweet-tempered. I admit some of my adoration for him comes from “Marion and Geoff,” so he’s getting partial credit here for his external work. Not fair, but who said polls were fair?

  4. Clive Anderson. Like Bryden, my appreciation for Clive comes partially from another source, this time “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” But I like him on QI for the same reasons I liked him on WLIIA – his mind is quicksilver.

I should have picked Dara O’Brien but for some reason I completely blanked and didn’t spot him on the poll. :frowning: Sean Lock and Phil Jupitus nearly made the list too, and Bill Bailey as well (if he’d been on here).

I think my favorite “one time only” guests were Emma Thompson (love her!) and Daniel Radcliffe, who totally knocked my socks off with how on-the-ball he was. Robert Webb (who I believe was on for the first time this series) was low-key but excellent; I hope he returns soon.

Huh. I actually came in to say the same as well. I guess he’s now passed Sessions, who can now ermain the undisputed champion of my ‘hate the guy’ list.


John Sessions’ bit on Alan Rickman and his teeth made me laugh, but by and large I don’t think he gets into the spirit of the thing.

Then there’s Ronnie and her lonely adjectives. Swoon.

It’s true. He actually tries to answer the questions and seems impressed with himself when he knows the dates of things, which is this thing he’s really good with(births and deaths, especially.
I agree that his Rickman stuff was funny, though. “I don’t play villains…I play interesting characters.”