Who are your least favorite "on air" personalities (especially radio)

Cleveland WTAM 1100AM’s Mike Trivisanno, who does the afternoon drive time show, and Kevin Keane, who hosts the evening sportstalk show when there isn’t a game on instead (the station airs the Indians, Browns and Cavaliers) both drive me up the wall.

I listen to a lot of talk radio. One of the most pointless talk radio programs (IMO) is Ramblin’ with Ramsey. As I recall, it was just a commercial for whatever hotel he was staying at that week. I remember once when he was speaking to a maitre d’ about how they set up their dining room tables, folding the napkins, etc.

Another one that I never “got” was Debbie Nigro’s “Working Mom on the Run” from about 10 years ago. Basically Ms. Nigro took calls and gave rapid-fire responses about. . . what?

And for TV personalities, CNN’s Jack Cafferty.

Bryce from the KQRS morning show. He’s the producer of the show but spends as much time talking as does the main guy Tom. Supposedly in his mid 30s, he has the maturity level of a 15 year old. Mention the word “hole” and he’ll pull a Beavis and Butthead like reply. Everything is a sexual reference. Every joke is gay this, fag that, or insert immigrant race is taking over.

No, but I’ll bet Dick Cheney has “666” tattooed somewhere on his loathsome carcass!

But I digress…

My vote goes to Alan Colmes . I can see why Fox News hired him–he’s just the sort of mealy-mouthed twerp that makes the rest of us “left-leaners” look bad. I can’t stand Randi Rhoads, either–is she drunk when she’s on the air?

What liberal radio needs is someone with something resembling a personality ; are there any out there?

I tried to listen to Howard Stern. Really. Rather than finding him offensive, I think he’s boring.

People I really don’t like I really don’t listen to…but there’s one I run across a couple times a year drives me up a tree: Larry Kudlow when he subs for Bob Brinker.

Kudlow takes what is supposed to be a neutral financial advice program and completely politicizes it.

What? X posts in and nobody has mentioned Sean Hannity in a negative light? The absolute worst in right-wing patriotic pandering bullshit, listening to him makes me yearn for Michael Savage, who is the right-wing version of the Weekly World News. Just meaner.

However, the Atlanta radio station who originally gave Hannity a morning show (640AM, before he went to ABC and FOX in the mid-90s) replaced him with somebody worse: Dave Stone. This guy, who was dropped within a year, possibly 6 months, turned every issue and show into a debate about/regarding race. Hated him. HATED HIM.

And another Atlanta radio personality who gives me the creeps whenever I hear his voice: Clarke Howard, 750AM’s consumer advice guru. His voice is whiny, his subject matter either basic or useless (nice going on the 30 minutes of airline fares, Clarke, now do you want to buy me a ticket?), his callers a succession of financial wrecks, braggarts, and people who want to be chastised publicly by an “authority figure.”

Dr Laura. Enuff said.

No argument here–Hannity is little more than a bombastic, bullying asshole. But at least he has a presence (bad though it may be)–which is more than I can say for his on-air partner.

And am I the only one who wonders how the f*** Greta Van Susteren ever got on the air? No personality, no looks, and a voice that sounds like a dumpster being dragged across a slate road!

And speaking of “nuff said”–Carson Daly :eek:

Howard Eskin, the most despised host in Philadelphia. Nobody at the sports talk station will work with him.

Robin Quivers can really get on my nerves with her 3rd grade understanding of politics and sports.

I can tolerate Howard Stern just fine in small doses, and I think Artie Lange is actually very funny. But I hate the rest of Stern’s regulars – a braying assortment of sycophants, freaks, weirdos, and wannabe comedians. This includes Robin, Gary, Richard Christie, Sal the Stockbroker, and the “Wack Pack” losers who are usually just brought in for Stern and his cronies to ridicule. None of them are ever funny or entertaining. And I don’t know what Fred Norris even does, because it isn’t like he ever speaks or contributes anything. Then again, the worst was probably Jackie Martling. Getting rid of him and hiring Artie was one of the smartest things Stern ever did.

Fred is a silent contributor, he does all the sound effects and reads all the e-mail. I like Gary, he’s never tried to be funny, he just keeps saying stupid things. Richard and Sal add alot of humor, IMHO, but too much of them can be nauseating. Most of the Wack Pack I could easily live without (well, maybe not Eric the midget). Robin’s only useful service is keeping te show from going too far over the line. The shows she’s not on can devolve pretty quickly. Stuttering John could have died in a flaming car wreck and I’d have giggled. Good riddance to him.

Artie’s a storytelling genius.

I’ve got kind of a good-news, bad-news situation for you. The good news: Rick Dees was fired. The bad news: he was replaced by Ryan Seacrest. Where Rick Dees was simply annoying, Ryan Seacrest is insufferable. I no longer have 102.7 on my presets even to listen to on the drive home because there is a greater than zero chance that I will accidentally push that button in the morning and hear him.

I’m with you on KROQ.

Jeez…all these posts and nobody has even mentioned Bob and Tom.

Personally, I love them but from reading some of the crap posted on usenet, you would think that they were the biggest ripoff, hack artists that ever polluted the airways.

Then again, I ownb every single album/cd ever put out by them so far, so I may be just a little bit prejudiced.

Also, Howard Stern needs to choke and lose his voice for the next ten or fifteen years.

Does anyone listen to the Monsters in the Morning, either in the Orlando or Jacksonville markets, or on XM? I like them, but I’d be surprised if they didn’t have some vehement detractors.

She’s hit-or-miss – she’s very knowledgable, but sometimes she ends up venting on her callers. On the plus side, she seems to get some of the most intriguing guests around; one time last week I caught her interviewing the (former) general of the Iraq prison system about the Abu Girade abuses.

For overall fun and wit and dead-on analysis, I still recommend Stephanie Miller.

I kinda like Jerome McDonald.

The one I’m really glad I don’t have to hear anymore is Tavis Smiley.
The guy who does WBBM’s “When Radio Was” show annoys me for some reason, too.

No one has mentioned Rush? Wow. That surprises me more than no one mentioning Hannity.

I’ll add a few:

Jim Rome- A total cult of personality. TALK ABOUT SPORTS, DAMMIT! Think goodness I have Satellite radio, so I can I listen to ESPN Radio!
Nina Blackwood- Former MTV VJ who hosts the 80’s Channel on Sirius. BLEH!
Imus- Creeps me out.

Paula Zahn- Vapid. And what is the deal with her show on CNN? Do they even cover news any more? We can be in the midst of a HUGE story and she’ll lead off with a focus on obesity.

Tom Leykis - What a vile, misogynistic slug this guy is. Altough I’m not sure which is worse – him or his nasty, hateful callers. :rolleyes:

Madison. She DJs for both Alt Nation and First Wave on Sirius, and I can’t stand her. Too self-aware, too loud, always singing. She reminds me a lot of Kennedy, the ex-MTV VJ who was voted the Viewer’s Least Favorite some years ago.

I’ll second (or third, or whatever) the Mancow nomination. That guy needs a punch in the face like nobody’s business.