Who is our highest ranking Muslim official

If there were a Muslim member of Congress now, I’m pretty sure we would have heard from him/her now. It would be a perfect political opportunity for someone to make a name for himself in the current situation.

Am I to believe that US military personnel who are devout muslims require sanction from an international panel of clerics prior to fighting for their country?

Believe whatever you want. I don’t know that it’s much different than Christianity seeking to define “just war.”

Someone (NPR IIRC) had a piece on the other day talking about the fact that one of his advisors was from Afghanistan, although I don’t recall them mentioning a religion. This advisor had originally been with Reagan then had gone to work with a think tank before coming back to the government. They thought it was pretty fortunate that he had an advisor from Afghanistan when he needed it.

I dont know if this was a real question but Tim McVeigh claimed to be an athiest, but I remember reading that he asked to receive the Last Rites while on the execution table.