Who'da thunk there were that many drugs....

I’d say that really is an evil part of you wishing rape on this bloke. Why would a date-rape-druggist drink a drink that he had just spiked? More likely explanation would be that intoxicated bloke gets on a downer from a girl rejecting him and finally succumbs to the booze he has had in plucking up the courage to chat to girls, before being ejected for being too comatose, and trying to steady his spinning head on the kerb… I’m not having a go, just saying that overdosing on booze accounts for a lot of trouble too.

I think this is an excellent, practical suggestion and I’m thinking about writing my congressional reps about it today.

Perhaps, except that most of them are illegal anyway. GHB has been illegal for quite some time as is Ketamine, I believe.

GHB is indeed illegal, but Ketamine is a legal (prescription) drug used in humans and animals, and " the only known source of Ketamine is via diversion of pharmaceutical products."

I thought of that later. D’oh! However, I’m still going to look into it.

Here’s what I found out from the US Dept of Health & Human Services.

Also, from a bbc news article here

However, there are still counterfeit versions of the drug that don’t have the dye.

So, sounds like velcro-ing a sippy cup to your hand is the best option.

About a year ago I heard a story on internet radio about a guy in England who invented a drink protector after his daughter’s drink was spiked (nothing else bad happened to her though). I was trying to find a pic of it online but nothing’s coming up.