Who's not yet convinced the fundies control the Republican Party?

Already got Jesus in my heart. Don’t need Him rammed down my throat.

My general impression is not that the Fundaloons actually control the Republican Party, but that they are flexing their muscle and the more or less rational Republicans are trying to buy them off with symbolic gestures. Probably even think they are in control of the situation.

“Hey, I’m on top of the tiger. Everything’s fine as long as I’m on top of the tiger…”

The only conclusion I can draw from that statement is that since the Democrats are blocking the nomination of 10 “people of faith”, the 205 judges they did not block must be… be… ATHEISTS!! Those sneaky Republicans are nominateing ATHEISTS to the bench at a ratio of 20 to 1 for every person of faith. I wonder what Dr. Dobson has to say about that?

And yet nobody ever seems to realize that there’s only about six inches between the top of the tiger and the inside of the tiger until it’s too late…