Who's that skinny, blonde, slightly deranged woman from the Old Navy commercials?

Sounds like she needs to get herself some Woodbury’s Immobilizing Cold Cream.

And let me add my voice to the chorus of those conflicted by Molly Sims: Cute and amusing on the one hand, gaunt and just a little off-looking on the other. Will I ever find peace in my soul, in the face of the conundrum that is my sorta-attraction to Molly Sims? I cannot say.

What about that woman in the Victorias Secrets ad, the one sitting in the chair dancing. That’s what I call a convincing commercial and I don’t even wear bras!



You know, maybe we’ve stumbled on what’s creepy and slightly artificial about her! Molly Simms


Shes not just a model, shes a computer model! Maybe that’s why the photography is so closely cropped, she’s got a little rotating pointer thing floating over her head.

It might also explain her goofy spastic dancing.

That’s a WOMAN?!! :eek:

Oooh, oooh… dancing chair girl in Victoria’s Secret commercial. Gisele. Also known as “The Body”.

She is a goddess. And that’s a girl’s opinion.
Maybe she needs to be in the Old Navy commercials…

.02 cents completed.

I think that Old Navy chick is hot. I agree the miniskirt commercial rocks.

I miss the Jeffersons though… “Old Navy… Old Navy… Old Navy Performance Fleece”

I downloaded it off Napster back in the Napster days… I’m a freak.

Not quite old enough to remember how popular the hats were (but I think I had one) but I recognize at least two of the songs, so they are real. I can’t tell if it’s the original artist though.

She scares me…I want her. :smiley:

I think dropzone was making a joke. Even if he wasn’t making a joke, I still think it’s funny - teehee! Anyway, the old lady is Carrie Donovan. She said once on Rosie’s show that if she had to wear glasses, she might as well wear those.

Those stupid ON songs from the commercials are in my head now. “Give it up, give it up, baby give it up, n-n-n-n-n-nuh!”

[sup]Aside to dropzone: I saw a bunch of port-a-potties last weekend with the brand name “Drop Zone.” After I said “Eeeeeeew!” I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the inspiration for your name? I dunno, you could really like port-a-potties or something.

I just realised how stupid that last paragraph was.[/sup]

one word…


awwwww yeaaaaahhhhh!

Something about her frightens me too. She has a big jaw I think…

Plus, I saw her on Conan, I guess in her more “normal” look - and she was damn near hideous.

You do know that that was KC and the Sunshine Band’s last hit, right? (Actually, I think it was just “KC”.)

A shocking and insulting accusation! I will see YOU in the Pit!

Clearly, she is, if not a manifestation of the Antichrist, at least some sort of demon. They must spend three hours in make-up to hide the horns growing out of her forehead.

Ye Gods! I just heard the Na-na-na-na-na…etc on the TV and snapped my head around like Pavlov’s dog. That scares the hell out of me :smiley:

Strangely enchanting, sure. But come on – her versus the chick from the Sprint commercials? No contest.

You took the time to reply to me, but not answer my question. I will see you in the Pit!

To Rilchiam:
No, I didn’t know that song was by KC and the Sunshine Band. That doesn’t make it any better, though. I still hate it. (BTW, I knew that it wasn’t composed just for the commercial, if that was what you were implying.)

That would be Sela Ward. A true testament to the phrase “Life Begins at 40”

the kooky blonde lady has no bon mots.

off with her head.

Carrie Donavon said things like:

I am simply maaaaaaaaaaaad about cargo pants.

I vote for her return!

I don’t know, Bad News Baboon, Carrie Donovan in hipster pants or a mini skirt? Ewwwwww. :stuck_out_tongue: