Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken become KFC?

More recently: Clownish burger icon crosses over

The KFC trademark dates to 1982.

While the trademark dates back to 1982, I can find newspaper cites(many) in the 10 year period before that referring to them as KFC. I think they just decided to finally trademark something that the general public/newspapers were using.

Yes. IIRC first use goes back to 1970. Damn those trademark search links!

In Quebec they’re called PFK or poulet frit Kentucky.

Why did ABC, NBC and CBS do likewise?

thats it. kentucky fried chicken gives you too much to think about. kentucky, not exactly as catchy as “vegas” or “mc deez”. who cares about the fifteenth state, how many of us have been to kentucky or even want to go there? i bet for all the kentuckians who are offended by this reply there are more people who are saying “Kentucky is a state?” truth be told.
“Fried” is now taboo some what with the big unhealthy diet craze issue. oh by the way one of my first jobs was working at “kfc” and i got to go into the sacred kfc vault, where they keep the coveted holy grail, the secret recipe. ok spoiler alert. the seven secret herbs and spices are only seven commen herbs and spices. and so i got to dump this big spicy smelly mass much like a very large spicy flour bag into a giant tub with a hole on the bottom. i took the chicken, just plain ass chicken bone in all skin. and made giant messes, some of that secret recipe is the sneezes of the people, including me, mixing this anthrax bomb. and we put it on these racks that would lower masses of chicken into pure boiling grease. over and over again i never seen it replaced and saw it catch on fire once chargrilling the tower of deathly fat chicken. it actually tasted better, but burned off all the skins. there are about four of those fryers. and a huge mess to clean up. never eat the wings. they congeal and are resold. also they waste masses of food. they throw out so much mashed potatoes and macaroni that its horrible. they let us take what ever we wanted home but did not want to waste the energy to give hundreds of pounds of food to the homeless because of the cost to refrigerate the already sealed food. it all went into the trash.
anyways enough about my glory days, the last word is chicken, because if your going to kfc your not going for the awesome burgers. hey lets gets some kfc. you only live once.

Well, Bill Paley, founder of the Columbia Broadcasting System (now that was a great name: THIS IS THE COLUMMMBIAAA BROADCASTING SYSTEM) got ideas in the 60s about being Mr. Conglomerate, changed the name to CBS Inc., and bought neat stuff like Fender Instruments and the NY Yankees. CBS may have been the trendsetter in the “initials that don’t stand for nothing” phenomenon.

NBC might still be the National Broadcasting Company, but nowadays it’s only part of the media conglomerate NBC Universal (gee, that looks weird).

Which always striked me as strange as they’re just plain 'ol KFC here in France.

Perhaps they mean “…new hip Colonel…” and he’s had an operation to aid his break dancing?

I think you need to get a new keyboard. It looks like your Shift key is broken.

About once every 5 or 6 years I get the urge to visit a KFC. My god, it pleases my pink little tongue. Yummy. Munch munch munch slurp chew chew gulp munch…please, if you have small children, don’t let them watch the carnage!

And then. About 4 hours later. I’m remembering why I swore of the stuff so many years ago…

Ugh - yeah. I was reading your post and was like “uh huh, yes, oh totally” and then as my eyes were moving from one paragraph to the next I thought of it too - why I don’t eat KFC often.

I have a friend who works at KFC corporate. I now want to pick her brain about this. :dubious:

Personally, I don’t like the TROLL section, but, hey, it’s their website. Anyhoo, there’s also a legitimate Snopes article on KFC.

I remember the year this happened. Dennis Miller was still the anchor on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” segment, and he had this to say about it:

In China, it’s always been KFC(obviously this is easier then translating “Kentucky Fried Chicken”.

In fact, when I told students that there are not any words in English that don’t have vowels, one very bright student said, “Yes there is. KFC doesn’t have any vowels.”

Actually a very logical answer.

The point is to point out the old adage, “don’t believe everything you read.” As the essay Peter Morris linked to points out, even the most prestigious organizations can fall victim to a false story or other incorrect fact. (I actually have my own law, “Mead’s Law,” which says that every non-fiction book, no matter how well-researched, will have at least one error in it. I also think that there’s some unwritten law that every textbook about business which involves global markets has to have the “Nova=no va in Mexico” story in it.)

Actually, I think they’re just updating his look, making his face thinner and all that.

The initials were used at least as early as the 1930’s in radio listings in the newspapers.

I fell for the Snopes TROLL pages… and told them to take them off cause they look so real… if you link to just one… like this thread did.

Jay Leno recently… keeps on talking about how they are going back to the full name. but thats all I got on that. Sorry.

I think it only hurts your guts if your blood is normally liquid at room temperature. Folks who take in grease/high fatty foods on a regular basis probably have less trouble than a spinnach/rice/grilled chicken eater such as myself. I could be completely wrong though. Nummy biscuits they have too. And gravy…Jimminy, there’s one right across the street from me too. I’ll be up all night now.