Why do so many Pentecostal women look like this?

I have family members who belong to a strict group, but not Pentacostal. Still women had no makeup, jewelry, can’t cut hair, etc.

Let me tell you about 3 sisters:
The oldest left the church ASAP, the other two are still in it. By age 40 the oldest looked 10 years younger than them. By age 60 you could make a generational mistake. Never underestimate the value of regular use of moisturizers, sun block, and such.

And none of my female relatives in the church are in the least bit heavy. A few men are. But that could be genetic…

As for relative looks of young women in such churches, if you learn to spot women with huge amounts of makeup on them, you will develop an strong distaste for such a synythetic look. The mass media strongly supports the synthetic look (because they gotta push the products), but you should just ignore that. Natural skin can look really nice.

(So all the women on so-called fundamentalist TV look like the Whore of Babylon/Mimi from Drew Carey to me, not just the Tammy Faye wannabes.)

By Pentecostal, I assume you mean United Pentecostal churches and such.
I thought all non-Catholics were referred to as Pentecostal…

Anyway, my husband and I, and our friends; 2 females and a male, visited a UPC church once.
We felt funny, as we all wore pants and the females wore make up.

They were nice to us, but I really didn’t try to size up the females, so I can’t say thats so, but who cares what they look like anyway?

You’re thinking of Protestant.

thank you!

Does anyone see the irony in the use of ‘Pentecostal’ and Bourbon in the same page title?

Carry on…

well to refer to the overweight part it is simply the lack of activity like any other person or could be some medical problems.

to refer to the hair our hair is our covering from God and our glory.

The reason we do not watch tv is because of all the ungodly stuff shown on them. Garbage into the mind then Garbage comes out.

The Bible tells us to come out and be separate from the world living a Holy life unto God. we are not perfect but we are suppose to try to be more like Christ.

God came to earth to walk amongst us to set the example. He walked upon the earth in the form of Jesus Christ.
He told us all to repent be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of our sins and we shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is unto you to your children and to your children’s children as many as far as the Lord God shall call. You are then adopted into His family. You die spiritually to the old life you lived and begin a new life without sin. Walk Knowing He has given you strength to overcome sin daily.

God never promised an easy life He just promised to be with us through it all. He loves everyone but hates the sin in our lives.

To be saved You must repent ( give your heart to God and make up your mind to live the best you can without sin and asking God for forgiveness for the sins you have committed) Be baptized in Jesus name ( you are being baptized into Jesus it washes away all your sins that you have committed you are born again get a chance at a new life with Jesus) The first gift Jesus promises you is the gift of the Holy Ghost His spirit in you to help you over come this world. There are no words that could ever explain the Feeling and emotion that washes over you when the Holy Ghost fills your body every person is different. It is better than any drug or alcohol you could ever take or consume. Pure freedom, happiness, joy, spiritual peace it is nothing like you could ever feel by living for the World. Find a pentecostal church and see for yourself.
Remember this you are not going for the people you are going for Jesus which is God.
There was no perfect person on earth that God could use to walk around on the earth in so He had to create Himself a perfect body to use to be able to give it as a sacrifice for our sins. read the old testament people had to sacrifice different animals for different sins and they had to be perfect without fault or blemish. So in order to give us complete freedom from sin when we give our lives to Him by being Obedient to His plan of salvation and follow His word He had to have a perfect sacrifice. God which is Jesus Took your place on the cross.
Where do you want to spend eternity in heaven or hell. Are your choice of today able to get you to heaven.:slight_smile:

Then how does getting on the internet slip through that little rule?
Entertainment and Education

Pentecostal women are not allowed to participate in co-ed sports or classes that require them to wear revealing clothing that exposes their body, such as swimming, calisthenics or softball. **Women, and all members of the Pentecostal church, are not permitted to watch television or videos, go to the theater, attend dances or listen to radio programs. It is believed that these activities encourage evil.** Pentecostals believe that this is important process for their spirituality because the Lord will soon come back for the people of the Pentecostal church.

Read more: Rules for Pentecostal Women | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_7905881_rules-pentecostal-women.html#ixzz27qUPsSak
You would think the internet would be just as evil as renting a Disney movie from Redbox

I am really trying to avoid making a joke about Pentacostal Zombies running around going “Mmmmm Tongues” instead of “Mmm Brains”.

A friend of my mom went to a church that considered TV and radio evil, but they were also fine with the Internet. Basically, IIRC, it slipped through before the rules could change and they liked it too much.

angeliquejacks, welcome to the Straight Dope Message Board.

As I presume you came here from a search or through a link, I should point out that this thread has been abandoned for eight years, since it was first posted in 2004. Resurfacing old, dead threads are known as “zombies”, hence the jokes above. As many of the people who started the thread are no longer around, I’m closing it.

Lastly, we request that witnessing be restricted to the forum known as Great Debates.

Enjoy your stay.

  • Gukumatz,
    Game Room & IMHO Moderator