Why does everyone (seemingly) hate Chevy Chase?

See, I thought he was funny back in the Mork and Mindy days. And when he started doing that spur-of-the-moment improv comedy, it was ok.

Now he just seems like a maniac, and not a funny one. Plus, Patch Adams, what more do I need to say? :dubious:

I liked him a lot. He hasn’t done much for me lately (like, the last 20 years), but I liked him in:

The Groove Tube
SNL (he was also one of the main writers, so he gets extra points)
Foul Play

Also, he used to play drums with the guys who later founded Steely Dan.

So: actor, writer and musician. A talented guy. Maybe some people are just jealous.

Also, he called President Bush a “dumb fuck.”

I like a lot of Chevy’s movies. A couple that haven’t been mentioned yet: Spies Like Us still makes me laugh after many viewings and I think Funny Farm is underrated.

I think he really lost credibility after his talk-show disaster and he still hasn’t recovered from that.

Because of his scatter-shot, I’ll improv a hundred jokes a minute and see if one sticks? I find about 75% of his stand-up to be unfunny. Most of his improved lines(like his hero Jonathan Winters) don’t even make sense. Of course that’s what happens when you pull it out of your ass. On talk shows he still acts like he is coked up. In movies he tends to lean towards sappy Patch Adams type movies. When he doesn’t he proves that he is quite a talented actor. I thought he was great in Good Will Hunting and several others.

And i’ll never forgive him for Toys.

I see Robin Williams, I think “Wolfman on speed.” He was funny back when he was a little subdued, but then he became this annoying hyperactive hairy thing. Always creeped me out - seemed too drug induced, not natural - but I did like Mork and Mindy at the time, the same way I liked “Real People.”

And I have heard Chevy Chase referred to as condescending (never met him myself) - and while people will forgive smug and unfunny, nobody cottons someone they think is talking down to them.

Oh Heavenly Dog.

Need I say more.

Actually, I think Chase’s lack of range and his long string of flops has hurt him badly.

Three words:

One. Trick. Pony.

One of the most annoying things about Williams is he likes to pretend his manic schtick is improv when it actually isn’t. I remember seeing him do an an “improv” on the Letterman show that came back word-for-word a few months later on Comic Relief. When he actually does improvise, it either doesn’t make a lot of sense (as you note) or it’s really just the same half-dozen stock voices/characters he’s been doing for 20 years: the mincing hairdresser/decorator, John Wayne, Jack Nicholson, the tough-talking black guy, etc. As a comic, he can be quite lazy, and he has a bad reputation among Bay area standups for stealing other people’s jokes.

Because (you knew it was coming and I’m surprised we’re 30 posts in this thread)…

He’s Chevy Chase. And you’re not.

When comics and actors are no longer current, they seem to become reviled for some reason. Chase certainly had his brilliant comic moments, but never kept up with the times.

His personality is probably best summed up in his own words: “I’m Chevy Chase, and you’re not.”

He’s well known among other comedians for stealing quite a large percentage of his material.

I don’t understand the explanation that people hate Chevy Chase because he’s an asshole behind the scenes and in real life. In my experience, most people are assholes behind the scenes and in real life; that doesn’t make them less talented.

I understand not liking Chevy Chase’s comedy; it’s disliking him for something irrelevant to his comedic skills that I don’t get.

They all steal stuff off of each other. It is the nature of the beast.
He has always been one of my favorite comedians. I get his references and his timing is superb.

Will Farrell has funny moments, but is more of an ensemble player. By himself…meh.

A comic whom until recently I loathed, but I am warming too is Ben Stiller. I’ve hated him for years and actively avoid his movies. Then I saw " Dodgeball" and he was perfect as the bad guy. He also didn’t do so bad in the awful " Starsky & Hutch" remake.

Two reasons:

(1) One mediocre-to-awful movie after another; and

(2) The trainwreck of a talk show.

You can also say Chase’s prickly personality played a role but I don’t think most people cited that as a main reason until after the talk show’s failure. Before then, Chase was considered successful enough for people to tolerate. However, once his career was truly down-for-the-count, all the venom that had built up against him since the 70’s broke free. Chase also didn’t help things by becoming more publicly cranky. I recall an episode of Politically Incorrect where Chase verbally attacked guest Stephen Bochco for making “dirty” programs like NYPD Blue. It was at that point I realized the once-funny Chase had made a complete transformation into a bitter, humorless, and grouchy old man.

That sums it up very nicely, thank you.
Did I mention Toys?

I don’t hate him. I find him dull and talentless, but I don’t hate him. I didn’t even like him in the things you mentioned.

One factor, in “the biz” at least, might be that right now he gives off an aura of desperation. Mainly because he can’t get work. I heard the editor of “The Onion” speak and he said it was almost sad how desperate Chevy Chase sounded at any prospect of being involved in an “Onion” movie or TV show.

His talk show debacle actually made me feel sorry for him. Imagine being cancelled halfway through your show, and having to tell the audience and guests “I’m sorry, but the show has been cancelled, go home.”

Seems Like Old Times and Oh! Heavenly Dog are two movies my kids and I watch regularly. Fletch is pure genius.

I even like his talk show. But then again, I’m made fun of for even liking “The Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” movie starring the Bee Gees, so you might want to ignore my comments…

I don’t hate Chevy, but I DO hate Fletch. But then, I was a big fan of the books and felt that the movie was a hack job.