Why No Human Chow?

Ralston Purina used to own Jack-In-the-Box. :wink:

Loaf, according to at least one correctional facility.

I am so making some of that Loaf this weekend. I’ll report back on how it was.

Oh lord that is terrible. I managed about one slice before I couldn’t do it any more. No one under any circumstances make that stuff. I’m going to have to throw the rest away.

Well, there is One Square Meal . One “outer” (two of the green wrapped bars) is [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub] of the RDI of the average person. Of course there is the usual disclaimer about a varied diet. As there is only one flavour (apricot) I think I’d not to be able to live by them alone, plus the cost of about US$3 per meal. I carry a couple in my kit so if I’m going to miss a meal there’s no need to panic. :stuck_out_tongue:

They work, I feel full and have normal energy levels shortly after feeding. :smiley:
