Why people hate Vin Diesel?

I loved Pitch Black and that’s about all my opinion on Vin. He’d probably make a good villian, since he was essentially an anti-hero in PB. I want to see Riddick, though I fear I won’t like it without the PB aliens. Everything else he’s made (with the possible exception of Iron Giant) has seemed like a big steaming pile of crap.

But the killer monkeys were great…

That’s true, but if he was written into the script after at least one draft was complete, and depending how late it was, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say that it was necessary plot expediency. :slight_smile:

ahahahaha, damned straight :wink:
Let’s not forget The Castle.
“The air is so dry in the plane that your actually dehydrates”
Eric Bana: “Loses it’s moisture.”
Pool Room edition out now!

And another thing, about how Vin Diesel pretends he’s tough, is that he chose the name “Vin Diesel”. I mean come on :rolleyes: It’s just annoying.

Nah, Spielberg was just living vicariously through the sniper. :wink: