...with lesbians!

The Sound of Music

How would they solve a problem like Maria?


Why hasn’t anyone mentioned 300 yet?

Bound – not lesbian enough; should have an all-female cast and involve the Lesbian Mafia. (There is one, right?)

Shouda been Arcturian lesbians.

I was under the impression those characters were a lesbian couple.

My Dinner With Andre and Some Lesbians

Some Like It Hot … with a lesbian band, all the women putting the movies on the heroes, who have to fend them off despite their EVERY inclination …

Wonder Woman … with lesbian bondagettes … as was originally the case on Paradise Island in the comics, though never explicitly, of course.

A League of Their Own. There should have been more lesbians just for accuracy.

So you think!: http://www.bondagerotica.com/articles/wonderwoman/wonderwomanmain.html

Well I can’t argue with that … since I’m Pat Powers. o.0

I’m stealing this from a meme I saw on Fark, but:

Brokeback Mountain 2, The Fur Traders: starring Halle Berry and Jessica Alba , a massive critical and box office success.

Look up “Lord of the G-String: Femaleship of the String”.

Gone With The Wind II: Scarlett & Belle Watling say to hell with Rhett and become a lesbian couple.

The Smurfs:No Blue Balls

Slight hijack:

One of my favorite random David Letterman moments occurred years ago when he had Howard Stern on.

They were talking about success in media and Stern stopped the conversation in mid-sentence and asks Dave, “Dave, what do I always tell you about how to succeed in media?”

Dave paused to think for a second and then you see the answer come to him. He bows his head just a little bit in shame as he quietly replies, “Lesbians.”

Stern raises his hands up and the crowd goes nuts.




I just gotta say that this thread title is a sequential thread goldmine. Right now, when I click on new posts, I get:

Help me pick out financial software…with lesbians!

Pure Gold.

The Hangover series.

It’s the ultimate guy movie. Can’t be made without a cast of dudes.

You don’t know enough lesbians. *The Hangover *would totally fit.

Yeah, but less filling.