Women: How often do you shave your legs?

I have no SO this winter, so I decided to see how long the leg hair would grow. It seems to have stopped. No one is seeing it, and I am too lazy to shave. In winter my skin gets really dry anyway and shaving makes it worse. Pits get done every day. In the summer, I shave pretty much every day because with my friends, I never know when one of them will want to go swimming or lay out or whatever - gotta be prepared. Same when I have a boyfriend - every day.

OW. <- Last experience was with an epi-lady in the 80s and I haven’t had the bravery to try it again.

I shave my legs twice a week. Hot yoga = abbreviated shorts and lots of sweat, so the leg hair would be particularly visible. Armpits are every other day, usually. The leg hair is very blonde, but underarm hair is a red shade, close to my hair colour.

In my experience, the only way to make shaving a comfortable experience is to do it every day, and to moisturize afterwards.

So, I shave from my knees down every day, and use lotion as soon as I’m out of the shower. This way, the shave is very close and there’s no itching or burning.

Underarms every day, too. Legs from the knees up about once a week. Epilate arms once a week. Wax eyebrows once every two weeks.

I quit years ago. To put it Britishly, I just can’t be arsed. If I am dressing formally, I’ll go ahead and do it, that might be once a year.

Yes I have a boyfriend, and no, he doesn’t care.

I do my underarms when I think of it, or if I’m planning to wear a tank top.

I’m almost hairless (naturally) - mean, you really have to hunt on my arms to find hair, and legs are pretty well the same, however, I still shave every time I have a shower which is pretty well always every day.

It’s a habit I got into a long time ago and see no reason to stop. Maybe beause I’m so hairless it doesn’t cause me much trauma - I don’t get ingrown hairs or anything.

Oh I’ve heard that one before! :dubious: :stuck_out_tongue:

I shave the legs and arms 1 - 3 x month, I use the gillette triple razor i got as a free sample for the man of the house. ankles and knees it glides around, makes the job much easier than a single or even a double edge. all other hairs get plucked. :eek: :cool:

Has everyone else noticed your hair growing far more slowly in winter than summer? Same for nails.

In summer, I’ll do it every other day, in winter, once a week. I’m not very hairy so it’s no hassle.

Legs- pretty irregularly, maybe a few times a month. I’m 1/32 Native American and have fine hair on my head, so my leg hair is fine and sparse. I don’t have to shave above the knees- until I found the Dope, I wasn’t aware that anyone did.

Armpits- every other day to every day. The stubble makes them itch, and shaving makes the itching go away.

When there’s hair in your armpits, there is more surface area for sweat to sit on and evaporate from, so I could see antiperspirant or deodorant being less effective. The hair could also get in the way of getting the antiperspirant or deodorant applied evenly throughout the armpit.

I only wear long pants so the only time I would shave is if I had a job interview and had to wear a skirt. I wear short-sleeved shirts and sometimes worry about pit hair, but I usually only get around to shaving that when I think (true or not) that my deodorant is not “sticking” well.

In the summer…maybe once a week? I have blond leg hair, so I don’t worry about it too much. In the winter, pretty much never, unless I just feel like it. I have these wool slacks with lining and if I have a lot of leg hair going on sometimes I get all static-y, so sometimes I shave if I know I’m going to be wearing those pants.

Armpits, maybe every week and a half. It just feels gross to me if it gets much beyond stubble.

I quit shaving my legs in 1996, with mr.stretch’s blessing. I still wear shorts in the summer. I have redhair, so the hair is only really noticable on the front of my lower legs–I have hairy shins!

I shave my pits probably every other day because I find armpit hair disgusting.

Legs and armpits get shaved probably 2 or 3 times a week, depending on stubbliness. And I’ll do them if I’m wearing anything that will show them off. I’ve been lazy recently, since my man’s 500 miles away and I only see him once a month or so, but I try not to let things get too furry because I feel gross when I do.

I have virtually no hair on my legs. They were never very hairy, but then the hair just got finer and finer. I haven’t shaved them in 10 years or more. Damn, I love my legs. :stuck_out_tongue:

I shave my calves and armpits every other day. I used to do it every day, but a few years ago I suddenly realized it doesn’t make a whole lot of difference. I’m not especially hairy, but it seems to grow fast.

The leg stubble doesn’t bother me much, but the armpit stubble makes me crazy.

Mr. Neville doesn’t care if I have leg hair, either (he claims not to notice). Yay for men who don’t care about things like that!

I shave my armpits every shower, since I’m a bit obsessive about that, but I shave my legs when I plan to wear a skirt that day - so maybe once every week or two in the summer. Gingy can vouch for my non-shaving of legs in the winter!

I shave in the shower everyday. I wear skirts almost everyday and I dislike feeling stubbly even though my hair is fine and reedish-blond and practically invisible. But, because it’s so fine, I can use the same razor for six months or more and still get a decent shave with just soap and water.

Reminds me of the Golden Girls, where Rose is shocked to find out that Blanche does this:

“You do not!”
“I do too!”
“What do you think that says to a man?”
“I’m hoping it says ‘Touch my leg’!”

Reading these posts reminds me when I decided a couple months ago to do the ‘Nair’ thing. Read the directions and applied it to my legs. Cool. Let’s do underarms too! Applied to pitties and was standing there humming to myself, arms raised up over my head waiting for the alloted time to pass. Everything was fine at first. Then the pain. My pits were burning! Holy gods the pain was horrible! So here I am half naked, covered in Nair on various parts, scrambling to wipe the pain maker off my skin. I succeed but the burning increases! What have I done to deserve this pain?? I run into the shower, still half dressed and turn on the water, hoping to rinse away any remaining pain. It didn’t work. My underarms were burning intensely and I couldn’t put my arms down without pain.

At this point I’m freaking out about maybe having to go to the hospital like this. Not a happy prospect. But while I’m thinking, the burning suddenly starts subsiding. Slowly…the pain decreased until it was reduced to a dull throbbing. I was finally able to put down my arms. Turned off the shower. Dried off as well as I could and tossed that #$%@# Nair into the trash.

My friend used Nair on her arms. I don’t think she had too much pain, but with the hair all growing back at once, her arms had a lot of dark stubble. So she was forced to keeping Nairing–that’s how they get you!