Women: Shoes, do you love or hate them, and how often do you wear them?

  1. Love shoes - sexy shoes, well-made German walking shoes, cheap-ass Keds! Give me shoes.
  2. Hate the ordeal of shopping
  3. Often don’t wear them even when, by reasonable standards, it is necessary.

I walk around my office barefoot, but never in stocking feet. Some weird southern thing, I guess. In New York, I very much did the wear cowboy or hiking boots to walk to work and then put on pumps at the office thing - even though I would only actually wear the pumps for a meeting or formal lunch.

And, FWIW, if you are a man, and you report to a woman who walks around barefoot, do not say that feet creep you out, it will hurt your career as badly as sitting through an entire meeting with a big hanger bulging out of your nostril. There is something sexually wrong with men who are creeped out by feet and/or men who don’t notice giant gobs on snot leaking out of their very own snout.

I hate to wear shoes. I would rather walk around barefoot than wear foot restraint devices.

But I do love to shoe-shop. The more hideous the shoe, the more likely I am to buy it. From black velcro sneakers to safety orange jelly-stocks (they look like birkenstocks, but are plastic) to chunky black shoes, to my “Jesus” sandals (birks that are falling apart and are duct taped together) to lime green Nikes, it seems the uglier or funkier or whatnot it is, the more likely I am to have it. I do have little feet though, and can tend to get away with more hideous weird shoes. (At least, I like to think that I can.)

I very definitely love shoes. I have lots of them, and, most definitely, if you can count them (at least, without going to your closet and your shoe storage space) you don’t have a lot of shoes. I loved platforms and wore them all the time when they were more in style (in the late 90’s and early 00’s – was age -2 to 8 in the 70’s), in part because they are so much more comfortable than regular old high heels. The front part of your feet is an inch or so off the ground, so your foot is not at much of an angle, even in 3.5 or 4 inch heels. You can be pretty comfortable but still get lots of height…

That said, I also love going barefoot too, including barefoot hiking. And I don’t really like wearing shoes in the house, even though lots of people do here – I always wear slippers inside. Which are really just soft shoes, so they’re fun too.

An email I received about some of the inscrutable qualities of women mentioned that only women understand why it’s necessary to have 5 pairs of black shoes. My friend responded “5 pairs of black shoes?! This woman was obviously homeless!”

I don’t love shoes and I hate wearing them/shopping for them. Now if the question was about boots, that would be a completely different matter!

I love boots - I have boots for all occasions (they’re all black, except for one beige pair and my shiny purple Docs) and many of my friends comment on the fact that they never see me in anything but boots and never anything less than 3" heels.

However, that doesn’t stop me from wanting to take them off as soon as I get to work or I get home again - barefoot is great! I wear things on my feet when I have to, but as soon as I get the chance, I’ll take them off because I’m more comfortable that way.

I am not crazy about shoes in general. I have wide feet and it difficult for me to find my size and even harder for me to find comfort. The shoes I have that are comfortable I love with a fierce passion(Hush Puppies pull ons).

I hate the whole judge-people-by-their shoes thing. I can’t imagine spending $100s on shoes.

I hate shoe shopping. I usually buy shoes by catalog anyway, since almost no stores carry my size, but catalog shopping means not being able to tell if a shoe really fits. Argh.

I can’t even find slippers I like for a reasonable price. Usually I will slip my shoes off if I can. Although now that I have my wonderful comfy shoes I wear shoes more often at home (mostly because I need support working on my evil hard as nails kitchen floor.)

I will never wear heels again. Gave them up about 5 years ago.

I love shoes and I love buying them. However, I’m one of those people that buys uncomfortable shoes because they look good, so I generally prefer to go barefoot.

I hate shoes. I hate buying them, especially dressy shoes. I have worn black low top converse allstars since I was 12 (I’m 22!) because they are just about the only things I can stand! When I have to dress up or go to a wedding or something, it’s pure hell for me to go to the store and find a pair of dressy shoes…I usually go for sandals and luckily I live in California where I can wear them for most of the year!

I hate shoes. I wear a 6½ EEE. There is no such thing as a shoe that fits; I buy the ones that hurt the least. And most of the time that means paying at least $75 because the cut-rate shoe stores seem to think an extra wide is a B. And they don’t last very long becuase when they’re too small they tend to tear up faster. I was very fortunate to find a pair of Keds that very nearly fit, and since my office is casual I can wear them everyday. I also have a pair of SAS’s that nearly fit as long as my feet aren’t swollen that day. The day I found the Keds I also found some not-too-ugly sandals that I can wear as long as my feet aren’t too swollen and I’m wearing hose to help make the easing in more slippery. But most of the time I only have one pair.

I hate shopping for anything, but particularly shoes because it almost always means coming home empty handed or spending more than I can afford.

I only wear shoes when I have to, and virtually NEVER in the house. I’ll wear socks in the house if there’s a draft. I have a pair of big fuzzy mules to wear to go the the mailbox, get the laundry, fill the bird feeders, etc. (Bless my son for finding those!)

I once hear somewhere that the average woman owns thiry pairs of shoes! I wondered aloud to my companion who had my other 29!

Ahhhhh shoes!!! I’ve had a steamy love affair with shoes for as long as I can remember. Impossibly high shoes, funky shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals…Mmmm.

Shopping for shoes can be wonderful if you find just the right pair. It stinks when you can’t find that Holy Grail pair of shoes that you have envisioned in your mind though. Shopping can be tiring! I like catalogs for that reason.

At home I like to wear socks. Slippers I am forever losing. I think my dog is hiding them.

Shoes are something to put on my feet, so I guess I’m pretty neutral about them.

I hate shoe-shopping. I have wide, hard-to-fit-feet, and I’ve ended up with a fair number of pairs that don’t fit right for that reason.

I go barefoot at home, and take off my shoes when I enter someone’s house. Japanese+Canadian training- my father panics if anyone walks on the carpet in shoes.

I wear Docs most of the year, and sandals occasionally in the summer. I’m a boot girl. I do very much want army boots or 14-hole Docs, but I can’t afford them right now. :frowning: It’s all part of refusing to dress like a grownup.

I wear shoes to work because I have to, wear them in other situations when necessary, like walking around the back paddock (snakes, y’know). Otherwise, barefoot whenever possible.

And, if it takes me longer than ten minutes to find a pair of shoes to buy, I’m outta there. Which is probably why I only have three pairs of shoes.

Oh man lorinada I feel your pain! I thought I had it bad at 7.5 EE

Have you ever tried buying extra wide boys shoes at Stride Rite? (kids shoe store that, thank god for my children, stocks wide sizes). I was just about to try this before I found my Hush Puppies.

I am glad to finally find my sisterhood of the wide-footed here. WHY don’t they sell/stock more wide shoes??? They go flying off the shelves.

I can! You will never hear me say, “Oh, I got the cutest shoes today!” I cannot imagine spending 100s on on a flimsy sole with a heel that will snap like a twig the first time out - but if a shoe were actually comfortable, and stayed that way all day I’d refinance my house and buy a lifetime supply. Right now I’m still searching. I stand all day at work in a retail showroom where I need to be sort of dressed up. Work boots are not an option.

I used to kick my shoes off the instant I got home and was barefoot as much was practical. Something I was reading suggested that it made more sense to keep shoes on at home. I tried it and much to my surprise it really does make more sense for me. In my barefoot days badly bruised, stubbed toes with crunched up nails were commonplace. I’ve broken the little toe on my left foot more times than I can say without embarassment. Now that I keep shoes on in the house I do’t stub my toes, my callouses are diminished, and I don’t get stabbed in the arch by stray legos.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE SHOES!! I HATE SHOE SHOPPING! And I generally never wear shoes. The only time I do wear them is when they’re required. Usually, I take them off at anyone’s house, in the car, and in most public places (basically, i only wear them in stores that say “no shirt, no shoes, no service”)

  1. I hate shoes. Truly hate them. They’re a neccessary evil, but they don’t make me look any better and frequently make me feel darn uncomfortable (see point 2).

  2. The only thing I hate more than shoes is buying shoes. I have hard to fit feet with very low arches and shoes seem designed just to torment me. I have several pairs of the same darn style in multiple colors just because they’re the only things that keep my feet happy throughout the day.

  3. I never wear shoes around the house (though I do wear slippers constantly). However, I just cannot for the life of me go barefoot outdoors. Somehow, I just feel naked with my toes exposed! I guess that’s my personal hang up.

My dogs, on the other hand, love my shoes. My shoes are their favorite chew toys! I had to put a hook on my closet door because one of my darn dogs learned to open the door (yes, he would turn the handle to get in the stinker) and would just devour all my shoes! That caused me to have to do more of the dreaded shoe shopping!

I hate shoes. I never wear them if I can get around it. That said, I do have a couple favorite shoes that I wear since I do have to wear them sometimes, my sandles and my New Balance 714 running shoes.

I hate buying shoes. It takes forever, finding the right shoe, the right color, the right style, then the right fit. It isn’t fun for me, and I feel like I am wasting my day when I have to do it.

I don’t wear shoes unless I have to it. I even slip of my sandles at school and work if I can get away with it. I never have shoes on when I am at home. If I am driving a long distance, I will take my shoes off for that too.

So here it is, another woman who could happily live without shoes if she could.

Define shoes. I cannot stand wearing high heels, though I have this really cute pair of while high-heeled sandals that look awesome. But since I never wear heels, my legs hurt when I do wear them, so it’s a question of whether it’s worth the suffering.
Just the idea of owning fify pairs of high heels, a la Sex in the City, drives me bananas. Gaaahhh!

I don’t mind flats of various varieties, though. I’m usually glued to my running shoes from the moment I dash out the door in the morning to when I come home and crash late at night. In the summer it’s sometimes comfortable sandals instead of runners. But at home I love to just run around in socks or bare feet (if it’s warm enough). I may have inherited this from my mother, who has been known to walk about in Dr. Scholl’s sandals with no socks in snowy weather.


  1. Don’t love shoes, esp. high heels. Like a decent pair of supportive, pretty shoes that go well with everything.

  2. Don’t really like shopping for them because I can rarely find something I like. Stuff is either too masculine for me, or has heels that are too bloody high.

  3. If I could get away without wearing shoes, I probably would, except for my favourite runners.



Not just no, but hell no!

That pretty much sums it up for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

But then again, I’ve been called “One of those crazy Californians who never wears shoes”.

If that is the reason, where are my shades? Oh, there they are :cool:

**Do you love or hate shoes? ** I’m sort of indifferent to them really. As long as they do what they’re supposed to do, i.e.: keep my feet warm and unbutchered by debris.

Do you like buying shoes? Insofar as I enjoy clothes-shopping at all (which is to say, somewhat less than I’d enjoy being forced to hold Lawrence Welk concerts live in my living room), shoe shopping is definitely the least painful of all the options. Although I still think they’re too expensive unless you go to a place like PayLess.

Do you wear them when unnecessary (ie the comfort of your own home and so on)? Sometimes. If my shoes aren’t muddy/wet/etc., and particularly if I’m going out again, I simply won’t bother with the untying of laces and so on, knowing I’ll just have to do it again. OTOH, if I’m wearing slip-ons or know that I’m home for an extended period of time or the rest of the day, then I’ll take 'em off. And if it’s summer time, then I just wear sandles all the time and all bets are off. :slight_smile:


I buy one pair of everyday shoes and wear them till they fall off my feet. Which they are doing right now, what with the bad winter and all.

I own four pair of sneakers, a pair of boots, a pair of over the knee lavendar suede boots, and a pair of lavendar suede work shoes. I need more shoes but I HATE THEM!