WorldNetDaily determines liberalism is a mental defect!

Are you my cat? My cat likes to hump cloth.

Biggirl, that almost killed me, I swear. I’m seriously sitting here wheezing and wiping tears out of my eyes. Bizarre dry humor just gets me.

Oh, I get it - it’s so that whatever he does they think is wrong, even if he showered ten million copies of his birth certificate from every rooftop, they can say, “Oh, well, he’s not really supposed to be President anyway, the American people were suckered, certificates of live birth mean nothing, only a guilty man would spend almost a million bucks to hide his past, conspiracy of silence, etc. etc. etc.”

That’s sort of clever, in a twisted way.

Nuh uh. Being a conservative is a moral defect. Ask Der Trihs.

Nonsense, being a conservative isn’t a moral defect, long as you keep it to yourself, and don’t try to inflict it upon the helpless.

. . . and wash your hands afterwards.

This thread has given me the RIBtearing hiccups. You can always count on certain people being in threads that give me hiccups. Biggirl is only one of them. You all showed up at once.

WWN is still around.

I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad that this story didn’t get picked up by the national media, though.

“The Bigfoot, or Sasquatch as it is known in scientific circles,…”


If Clothahump humped cloth, s/he would be called Humpacloth.

Clothahump, presumably, clothes a hump.

But. . .

You don’t toilet the paper or book a mark. Still, you could be right. I’m sure Humpy’s got a warehouse full of Tives he’s conserved.

None of which addresses the age-old question about how much cloth could a Clothahump hump . . .

Clothahump? Isn’t that what Quasimodo was told he had to do, when he began doing his bell-ringing topless?

Wait, does that mean Bobby Jindal’s a liberal?


:dubious: That’s a really stupid idea. Why not just cut out the middleman and let Satan chair the RNC?! I mean, no one can say he’s not an American citizen!

MSNBC/Washington Post has it all figured out. Academic Elites Fill Obama’s Cabinet.

Liberals are just too smarty-pants for this country.

Obama clearly discriminates against stupid people. How will he find anyone to do a “heckofa job”?

Vice President to RNC chair would be an unusual career move.

They’re surely looking forward to receiving their first “Yer pal” missive. :wink: