world's successful dumb asses

Mine too.

In college, I had 3 roommates. One of them was extremely shy and quiet and well-mannered. One night, shortly after GWB’s inaugeration, she yelled out in her sleep, “SHUT UP DUMBASS!”

We speculated she was dreaming about George Bush.

Earlier in her career, there were several interviews with Renee Zelweger that made me think, “huh…guess you really don’t need much brainpower to be a decent actor.”

She’s gotten better, though, so I’m not sure if she’s just gotten better at interviewing, or if she was on drugs back then.

Top three:

  1. Another vote for Dubya.

  2. Sarah Palin

  3. Woody Harrelson

How, exactly, do you define “dumbass”? Simply having a low IQ? Lacking in book smarts? Intellectually incurious? Politically aligned opposite oneself? :rolleyes:

Some of the “dumbasses” listed here are people who are actually VERY GOOD at interpersonal interactions and self-promotion. To call Donald Trump/Sarah Palin an idiot is foolish, and underestimates his/her ability to self-promote (and make money). IMO, dumbasses who are famous or rich can ONLY be those who were born into wealthy families, are intellectually incurious loafers, and never learned the art of self-promotion. FWIW, I don’t know anyone that fits this definition of “dumbass.” Not even Paris Hilton.

I’m a liberal and while GWB was not the smartest president we’ve ever had, he isn’t a dumbass.

A vote for Jim Carrey, who plays dumbasses on screen and is a dumbass IRL.

This is the guy who got mesmerized by Jenny McCarthy, started spouting her bullcrap about vaccines and autism, gave her megamillions to ensure a sound financial platform for her own dumbassery, and then broke up with her.

Also in contention (not based on education or I.Q., but on misuse of them): Deepak Chopra.

Hard to beat Most Powerful Man In The World for “successful”, so my vote has to go the Dubya Bush.

Now I’ll see what the rest of you said.

Some others, of the top of my head:

Cher. Really good singer, a great actress (to my lasting surprise), but dumber than a sack of hammers.

Joe Montana. My fave quarterback ever. But…

Ed Harris

Danny Glover

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Accuracy and authenticity aside, and just to have a list to work from, consider

Why are they dumb?

Based solely on a couple of interviews I’ve heard with each of them, I think so.

Edit: FWIW, I really like them both as actors.


Since when is being good at schmoozing and being a cheerleader for yourself a sign of intelligence? Shit, the publicity department at my company does that crap all day, and they’re the dumbest people in the building.

you nominate yourself? :smiley:

I was going to nominate myself, but the competition looked too tough.

I saw a 60 Minutes piece on David Neeleman, the former CEO of JetBlue. While I don’t think he’s really a dumbass, he’s known to be learning-disabled and ADHD, and just didn’t come off as having anything special going on upstairs. I tried to google up his credentials and can’t find anything but being an airline executive. Don’t most executives have to start in cubicleland or something? It sounds like he got a boost from rich parents or something. Maybe he’s just a savant CEO or something; I don’t know. But he sounded kind of slow when I saw him interviewed.

Yeah, better definition of dumbass needed. While I don’t think that Obama is stupid, he is a dumbass. Same thing for Bush: intelligent but a dumbass.

To me when I think “dumbass,” I think of people that do stupid things regardless of whether they’re intelligent or not. Both Obama and Bush fit that bill.

…or people with intelligence limited to a particular area, which they are particularly dominant in…like idiot savants or something.

Dumbass may be a bit harsh, but Kathy Ireland has been extremely successful he whole life just by trading on her looks and her name. She was plucked out of high school to be a model, and soon became a muti-time Sports Illustrated cover model. As is a common career path with models, she was cast in several movies, where it was required for her to move and talk at the same time, and she proved to be blisteringly bad. Just horrible.

Later in life, she lent her name to a line of socks that ended up selling well for some retailer, and some business people set her up in her own company that doesn’t actually make anything, but other manufacturers pay big bucks to let them put her name on their products, and it has done phenomenally well. She is pushing 50 now and well past the modelling days, but is making $10M a year leasing out her name.

She is hot, though.

Are you equating LD with stupid? :dubious: Becasue many brilliant people are LD.