Would you be comfortable sharing a dressing room with a gay person??

As to the OP: Why would I care?
Women never found me attractive; I doubt a guy would.
(I would not even be bothered by a request for a date as long as he accepted a polite “no” as the end of the discussion.)

I lost all of my body shyness a couple of decade or so back.
Before then, I would always wrap myself in a towel.
Not because of fear of someone being attracted to me, but because I had a negative self-image.

But, now? I don’t care. I do like to go to the bathroom privately, but dressing or showering? Not anymore.

Why does the OP ask the question in terms of gays, anyhow? Do men and women at the hundreds and hundreds of nude beaches (or topless beaches) in Europe and the Americas wonder the same thing? Do the men and women who bathe naked in Japanese bath-houses ask one another if they are uncomfortable? Are women uncomfortable going to a heterosexual, male gynecologist? Are men uncomfortable getting a bed bath from a woman in a hospital? Or Scandinavians naked in the traditional sauna? Or Greek athletes performing naked in the Ancient Olympics?

I could go on all night about the number of times all over the world, people expose their nakedness to other people who could conceivably be attracted to them.

I think what really bothers Esco is the myth of gays as the horny, hidden vampire in the shadows, ready to pounce.

Sharing a dressing room with anyone bothers me a great deal; their orientation isn’t going to even be on the radar, just the simple fact that they are there.

Going to have to go with no on that one. I’m looking at my feet or someone else’s face if conversation is engaged.

so you like to comment on pot bellied bald furry backed guys? You want to rethink that statement for a bit?

Or, and I’m just throwing this out because of what you just said, straight men don’t want to be the topic of conversation because of discrete peeks at them regardless of how they look?

Not only does your opinion not matter on how another man looks naked but it’s greatly not appreciated.

I can guarantee you that the next time you sit down in the locker room, you’ll be sitting right where two men had sex the night before. At least then you’ll have some time to reminisce about all the shitty, cummy, anus blood you must have sat in over the years.

Grow up, bud. True, it may be a psychopathological disorder involving fear of being raped mercilessly in your sleep by a large, muscled jock. In that case I would give due credit to the mental illness. Although, I suspect that it’s a relatively simple case of insecurity or an absurdly intense, self-loving, “everybody wants to fuck me” attitude.

Let me ask Dr. Sigmund Freud for input. Were you ever touched as a child? Have you ever heard of the seven holes? My diagnosis is that I think you may be attempting to mate with a hybrid clone of your mother and father reincarnated as sheep in the year 2315.

If this world made any sense, we would view the nude human body as it is and have no need for change rooms of any kind. The entire world really should be one big naturist resort.

You may one day have a good reason to fear a homosexual. Trust me, when that happens, their gayness will be the least of your worries.

or that men are pigs and will fuck anything that moves. Which explains why the devastation of aids was a male thing and not a gay thing.

I would have no problem with it.

I would be as uncomfortable with a gay man checking me out and becoming aroused as I would with a straight woman that I did not find at all sexually attractive doing the same. In other words, I would awkwardly try to ignore it and go about my business.

Have shared hotel rooms, tents and dorm rooms with men I knew were gay, whole lotta meh ensued.

OP doesn’t really sound homophobic to me, more like he was taught a certain flavor of body modesty and feels wonky about changing it.

My advice would be to seek out the opportunity; after a couple three exposures you’ll be saying ‘wow, glad I’m not occupying my brain with that, anymore.’

C’mon, this is everyone, not just straight guys. The people that most worry about having their virtue assaulted by ogling, regardless of orientation or gender, are the ones that need worry the least. Attractive people tend to be flattered, blase, or puzzled.

Doesn’t bother me. If he’s turned on, I’m flattered, but not persuaded.

No, I don’t want to rethink that statement because it is perfectly valid. I don’t run out of the locker room and giggle like a school girl about what some straight men look like. I am always alone when I leave the gym. I simply find it hilarious when a straight guy I would not have sex with under ANY circumstances looks around in fear for the predatory gay vampires who, he is certain, must be just barely controlling their lust in the face of what he imagines to be his adonis-like beauty, and angrily declares “they better not try that stuff on ME!!!” Straight men past 30 are like the Emperor with his new clothes. Nobody tells them the truth about their looks.

If you’ve ever played sports, you’ve showered with a gay dude.

I’d be comfortable sharing anything with a gay person, apart from sex or other activities that might result in swapping bodily fluids.

A dressing room? Pffff…

No, I’m pretty sure I haven’t. I don’t turn on many straight women and I’m trying to do that.

No problem at all.

You just got done admitting that you look at men in the locker room and then went on to make fun of fat,furry, bald men.

I can only conclude that since you make these comments on the internet you do the same among your friends.

I share hotel rooms or tents with a gay colleague frequently when we travel for field work. I’ve done the same with women, too (though not in a professional setting). It’s not a big deal.

If you’re reading for comprehension, he made fun of fat, furry bald men who think they’re objects of lust for gay men. Big difference.

I worked in Theatre for a little while, where it’s inescapable. I don’t care.

Is there a reason you seem to be taking this so personally and seem to be having a small hissy fit about it?