You say you are a christian - I say you nead to grow up

Christians with charisma bother you??? Are they only acceptable to you if they’re repulsive?

Well, if I’m in a “mental straightjacket” as you state, please feel free to point out where I’ve been wrong here…

(BTW, are there “orthodox” muslims?)

Zev Steinhardt

Paging Polycarp to the white courtesy phone…

And I say you nead to proofread your posts. I see upon many spelling and grammer mistakes.

Perhaps it is time for some remedial English classes.

A thank you to Zev and racinchikki for their bravery in the face of grand presumptions painted with a wide brush.

I myself have decided to become a devotee to Cthulhu. I cast no judgement upon others, such as Seahawk, who may cast dispargement upon my faith for I know when they pass beyond this mortal coil their souls will be devoured by a giant squid and I shall watch and giggle.

Need. Grammar.

Gaudere’s Law claims another victim.

As far as the OP’s animus against “conservative/charesmatic christian faith,” I see the balance being decided by one’s persoanlity. One’s faith can make one a Mother Teresa or a Torquemada…as can one’s lack of faith.

Er, that’s personality…damn it.

Isn’t it cute when a kid first discovers agnosticism or atheism?

Kinda like when they read Sartre for the first time and are sure that the grown-ups around them wouldn’t have a clue about existentialism.

Zev -

Are you aware that “charismatic” has come to mean Christians who are open to “weird” manifestations of the Holy Spirit, like speaking in tongues and others? I believe that’s what SeaHawk is meaning.

Now, about SH, he’s acting nuts.

SH, just take five deep breaths and imagine I had come on here and made this kind of off base attacks, but on non-Christians.

I resent the implications that are all through here. Resent, I tell you.

I fully admit that there is a segment of the church that has in part turned off its mind. If you think it’s vastly different than the population as a whole, you haven’t tried having a deep discussion with random people:

“I think the Bible was just written to make money.”

“Even though texts were copied by hand at the time, and there was no method of enforcing copyright royalties?”
“I don’t believe in God. There’s just a life force that connects things. Oh, and everything happens for a reason.”

“Even though only a mind can make decisions and choices, or have reasons for things to happen? An inamimate force would not be able to have these mental processes.”


Lest you think I’m making these up, they are just paraphrases of real conversations.

Now, if you want me to rail on Christians who reject evolution without the first understanding of the subject, just ask. I can go on for hours.

My friend and his wife were just lastweek telling me about how their pastor is making weird statements that seem to have basis in nothing but some internal “revelation” he’s had. That’s why they’re looking to leave. We don’t all have our heads screwed on backwards.

I know this is not GD, and this kind of thing has been beaten beyond dead before, but I have to say here that the people who make wild attacks on Christians and imply that they’re automatically morons are being philosophically lightweights.

A key component of Christianity is that there is a spiritual world, and that their is spiritual, personal evidence that can not be truly related to others.

Attacks such as these unconciously use as a starting point the philosophy of materialism: there is only the physical world here, period. If you start from this supposition, then it’s easy to regard other beliefs as just dumb. However, it’s not very sophisticated or respectable.

I am an atheist. I do not need religion to inform my understanding of the world. I fight with every cell in my body when religious fanatics try to impose their beliefs on me, legislatively or otherwise.

But – but – venemously attacking people simply for the beliefs they hold is juvenile and pointless, and says a lot more about the attacker than it does about the attacked.

You seem very young. Advice: Keep your mouth shut for the next, oh, ten or fifteen years, until you have a better idea how the world works.

You know Seahawk - the cool thing about religious faith is that anyone can say anything about what their beliefs are and what they think everyone else’s should be, but there is NOTHING you could ever say that would change the mind of anyone who truly knows the truth and knows what they believe is the truth for them.


And also May God Bless you and help you find your way…


Heck, I believe that Jesus is the son of God, and I’m not even a Christian!

And I’m the son of God and you’re the son of God and racinckikki is the daugher of God and etcetera. Why would being a grown person make this concept difficult to entertain?
Now this business of Jesus sorting og-rubbish, that’s downright ridiculous. The Yog-Soggoth sort their own rubbish, silly mortal, and you would not want to get anywhere close to it, believe me.

Not pointless.

I must also add that I have some understanding in Chinas policy concerning religion. Maybe we should look to China.

What say you to someone like me, who believes that Jesus was the son of God and that he is not the only way to God, but one of many ways to God? Can you wrap yourself around that?

You’re saying you’re for the state regulation of religion, the persecution of non-orthodox faiths, and the incarceration, torture, and execution of religious dissidents?


I too am disturbed by religious faith.

There, I’m over it.

I was not aware of that use of the term. If so, I retract my remark about SeaHawk wanting Christians to be repulsive.

Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for SeaHawk to tell me (and since I’m in a mental straightjacket, it shouldn’t be too hard) where I was wrong in this thread.

Zev Steinhardt

I don’t want to be too quick in tossing the term around, but DNFTT?

Ah yes, I’m one of those grown-up stupid people that believe and try to follow the Christian path. Sometimes I don’t do a very good job at it but I try harder every day. Seahawk your words and feelings are not new. They have been shouted through the centuries, and I daresay, will continue to be. It’s ok. You are entitled to your opinion. Does it disturb me that you think I’m stupid? No. Sorry. Doesn’t bother me one bit. You learn to take people such as yourself with a grain of salt. I’ve always been taught that you love one another and love your fellow being as you love yourself. But I haven’t been taught that you have to love your brother’s ways, ideas, style of life or opinions. But be careful, that way which you judge your brother will be the way you too shall be judged.

Sounds like a Lifesavers flavor:

Buttorum, Peppomint, Sonogod

My guess is it would taste like grape juice and bread. :slight_smile:

Then vote Libertarian, inclusion of religion and state in government is explicitly forbidden.

If you had something to really whine about it your original post, people wouldn’t get their knickers in a twist. Your OP looked like basic bullshit whining about that which you don’t understand only later to come up with a reason you feel so. Egads, you lost the argument with your first post in this thread.

< techchick is a theist, not a Christian, and just hates it when people make asses out of themselves without a reason up front. >